Disgusting! Election Integrity Immorality

You know, it’s

pretty dang simple: You either want fair and secure voting or you don’t. But don’t lie about your position! Just quit it–we see through your lies…

Democrats and their mindless myrmidons seem to have no conscience at all on this matter.

So yeah Democrats, go ahead and try to do this. But don’t prance and preen about how moral you are!

Election Integrity Fighting Back

If you think that

voter fraud is not a real problem and a threat to representative democracy itself, you are evilly or naively wrong. It very much is.

Still, there are things that can be used to fight back. And it’s time for citizens and elected official alike to rouse themselves from their nonchalant stupor and start working! NOW is the time for ALL good people to come to the aid of their country…

Election Integrity

Get in on

the action.

Because THIS is how Democrats work: They know that Conservatives value in-person voting very much (IMHO, as it should be) and that most of the votes on election day are for Conservative candidates

SO, Democrats get as many fellow Democrats as possible to vote early and securely, they do vote harvesting, etc. THEN the in-person voting is plagued by dishonest machines and “sudden breakdowns” and such. So the in-person vote totals are primarily Conservative and vulnerable to all sorts of Lefty shenanigans, while LEFTIES have already securely “banked” their votes!

Why do you think OR is hard Left now? THIS is a big reason (among others). WA is also getting there.

Look, I would like a world where there is ONE day to vote, almost always in person, always on paper, and with no “rigged” voting machines. But unfortunately, that is NOT the world we live in. And the cheater Democrats will of course never allow such a world while they are in power!

So the ONLY way to elect people who will run elections fairly, transparently, and centered on one day is to literally fight fire with fire. I bank my vote early, and then there is a paper record. Just unilaterally disarming is the path to being quickly and totally eliminated!

Therefore, I bank my vote…

Election Integrity

Sure, I’m glad to

see it. Very glad, in fact.

But that data is with the assumption of straight and fair elections. Alas, that is NOT a safe assumption given recent Democrat behavior. So yeah, maybe…

Election Integrity

You know,

it’s blindingly obvious. Even really stupid people understand THAT!

Election Integrity

Trump urges people

to use alternative ballots.

I really don’t think it’s ideal. I strongly prefer in-person voting on one day. But people who would put that in place will NEVER be elected if Republicans unilaterally disarm. And Democrats will use any means, fair or foul, to “win.” So no, I’m NOT going to disarm in the face of this threat!

And you KNOW what’s going to happen, right? There will be “unfortunate glitches” (again) in areas that vote heavily Republican. It’ll be SUCH a shame that their votes were not counted! But oh well!

No, win the election and THEN we can talk about procedures. But we will simply never get there unless we make some serious changes…

Election Integrity

A great first step!

Democrats reveal themselves to be moral scumbags when they oppose election integrity!

Election Integrity

Yeah, it’s

a real problem for the Left!

The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an attempt from left-wing organizations to have the court reconsider a ruling that found unelected bureaucrats were wrong to accept thousands of undated or incorrectly dated ballots during the 2020 election.

Democrats are ALL about voter fraud. Their ideas would be absolutely rejected with shrieks of laughter if they were ever put to an h0nest vote!

Election Integrity

WOW! That

is pretty dang awesome!

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee announced plans to launch an “election integrity” program, intending to recruit 100,000 volunteers and attorneys who will work to preserve “the sanctity” of November’s election in a press release on Friday.

Did I mention how glad I am that Ronna is gone? What a turd she was!

Be still my beating heart:

The RNC intends to establish in every battleground state an “Election Integrity Hotline” within each State Republican War Room. These lawyers will be responsible for fielding “all incoming questions and issues” reported by poll watchers and voters. They will also guide poll watchers through “the appropriate election code and provide clarity on how issues should be answered, resolved, or escalated.” Training for volunteers and lawyers for voting site and tabulation center monitoring will occur every month. The GOP said it planned to work with “passionate grassroots coalitions who are deeply invested in fighting voter fraud.”

“The Democrat tricks from 2020 won’t work this time,” RNC chief counsel Charlie Spies said in the press release.

Election Integrity

Of course!

There is no real justice! Biden (and Hillary and Obama and…) face NO justice, while Trump faces a (literally) jury-rigged kangaroo court.

It’s morally revolting!

Are YOU so morally dead that you would vote for Biden? REALLY?

Here’s the deal, conservatives: Vote early via early voting or absentee ballots and bank that vote. Because Democrat myrmidons will hose up election day yet again in order to keep non-Biden votes on election day from being counted!

I mean, you know that, right? Just for the record, I think that there should be ONE day to vote and it should virtually always be in person via paper ballots. And purple thumbs.

But we don’t get there by losing! And the “vote early” Democrats WILL make Conservatives lose every single time if we keep insisting on doing things the right way while they cheat themselves silly!

So vote early. Bank your vote. Make sure your vote counts. Let’s get to “vote harvesting” where legal. Let’s roll…