Election Integrity

Sure, but…

It’s a great idea. Of course the evil Senate Democrats will never go along with it, and even if they somehow did, the vile Joe Biden would never sign it. But it’s still a good thing. It puts people on record…

Election Integrity

This was

SUCH a nasty thing! Basically, Z tried to buy the election. And he was pretty darn successful!

Wisconsin voters approved an amendment on Tuesday night, banning the private funding of elections in the swing state.

Election Integrity

It’s really a

nice start.

Don’t you find it, well, rather suspicious that Democrats are virtually always against election integrity?

I guess there’s no real surprise about that. It’s clear as day why that is…

Election Integrity

Just think about

how far rigid Democrats have fallen!

When reasonable people are fighting to have elections merely as secure as Mexico…

Indelible ink. Purple fingers. One day to vote in nearly all cases–you must have an overwhelmingly good reason each and every time. Come ON!

Election Integrity

IF true,

this is a HUGE deal!

Election Integrity

Let’s be quite clear:

Democrats by and large DON’T want the voice of the people to prevail. They want power. And you KNOW that is true because of how they loudly (and in panic) squeal at any attempt to have fair and honest elections. DUH!

And THAT tells you something important: Their ideas simply cannot stand on their own merit. It is obvious to the dullest among us. And it is a bit comforting–normal people see how bad of an idea leftism is. And they just won’t eat that dog food.

Whether it’s banning foreign money in elections, [mail-in ballets], ensuring transparency in the elections process, or backing election audits, the story remains the same: Democrats actively oppose policies supported by voters that bring accountability and security to the U.S. elections system. Their screeds about being the party of “democracy” are a dishonest talking point designed to obfuscate their contradictory actions and smear their political opponents as extremists.

The truth is that most Leftists hate having people express their values and preferences. The proof is easily seen in their actions. People often lie; Actions rarely do…

Election Integrity

Well yeah,

I’m not confident at all! Conservative people better get their butts in gear NOW or this will be yet another stolen election!

Among likely voters, 37% indicated they were “very confident” that votes would be counted accurately in the November election and an additional 28% were “somewhat confident.” In contrast, 19% of respondents answered they were “not very confident” and 13% said they were “not confident at all” that the votes will be tallied correctly. Four percent of likely voters indicated they are “not sure.”

Look, this survey found about a THIRD of people who were more or less skeptical about the validity of the election outcome. That is not an insignificant number!

And here are numbers from a different poll:

These results come amid mounting concerns over voter trust in the legitimacy of the American election processes. A June Monmouth poll found that 3-in-10 Americans believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election solely due to voter fraud.

If you care about the integrity of our elections, shouldn’t such numbers cause you grave concern? These are NOT “fringe” numbers!

Let’s over-simplify things a bit, here: About a third of people have a lot of confidence in the electoral process. Another third are “kinda” confident. The final third of people are not at all confident in the validity of our elections.

Think about it: A third!

Election Integrity

Buh, Buh, Buh

Lefties have assured me that there is no <checks notes> significant voter fraud! They’re not just idiots and hacks and moral turds! Are they?

Election Integrity

Honestly, why

don’t WE do this?

Oh yeah, because Leftists WANT voter fraud. Really, it’s the only way for them to keep power. If things were fair, they would win very few elections. They would be barely a rump of a political arty!

Election Integrity

Voter ID does

NOT infringe upon the right to vote. In fact, it protects real vote from being cancelled by bogus ones.

Democrats ONLY want it because it facilitates their voter fraud. See, they just can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas. And their opposition to election integrity is an open admission of that!

They just want to cheat, pure and simple.