Biden-Induced Human Misery

Well, it’s about

time! I guess “Biden” got shamed into it.

Biden-Induced Human Misery Economy

Look “Biden,”

it’s the economy, stupid!

According to the Joint Economic Committee, the average Arizona household spends $1,202 more per month than it did when Biden was inaugurated. Over that same time frame, they’ve cumulatively spent an extra $29,052 thanks to inflation. 

You know, that’s a TON of money!

Just try to get meals for two adults at a drive-thru burger joint for under $30! And if you have a family…

Yeah, at McDonalds! Inflation is inescapable–and it’s all Joe Biden’s fault! we were sure a lot better off when Trump was in the White House…

Biden-Induced Human Misery Lefty Squalor

California dreamin’

and the sky is gray

Next time you hear someone say they don’t care about “just” politics, think of this. Only a HUGE ignoramus ignores politics. There is truly nothing more important to the well-being of people!

THIS is why you don’t ever vote for a Democrat! Because, welcome to Hell…

Anger Biden-Induced Human Misery Captain Obvious

Look, I apologize

for nothing! And the proven facts support what I said…

Biden-Induced Human Misery Current Events

Black and Latino

voters are taking a HUGE hit due to Biden’s Lefty policies. It’s time for them to come home, where they are valued and protected by sound policies.

Black and Hispanic communities are most negatively impacted by President Joe Biden’s policies — including unfettered illegal immigration — former President Donald Trump said during his historic rally in the Bronx.

… “We had gasoline down to $1.87 … We had a record low poverty rate for black Americans and Hispanic Americans. We had the lowest — we had the best poverty rate in terms of the positive number ever in our history for black Americans and Hispanic Americans. We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty,” Trump said, explaining that “nothing like that has ever happened.”

Our subways are squalid and unsafe, the ceiling tiles are falling down, and they look worse than a third world country. The medians of our highways are crumbling. Our sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles and trash, but worst of all, the discarded needles from people that so desperately are in need of help. And we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving America the middle finger.

Let’s go, folks!

Biden-Induced Human Misery

You know,

it’s pretty dang obvious!

Ruhle said, “[L]et’s talk about Joe Biden and this student debt relief. We’re seeing Republicans push so hard against it, saying Joe Biden is buying votes. If he’s doing this for college grads, what about all the people who don’t go to college? They get nothing, they’re left out. Isn’t that how politics works?[emphasis added]

Biden-Induced Human Misery Evil

Guys, it was

on purpose! Don’t be confused. This was not “just a mistake…” Far from it.

THIS is who Joe Biden actually is. Don’t forget it!

Biden Recession Biden-Induced Human Misery

PSST! Wanna good

deal on some SF office space?

Biden-Induced Human Misery

I think that

most of us actually get it now.

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Careful, Democrats,

you need to understand that YOU won’t like these new rules when YOU are on the whipping end! But these are the rules you foolishly insisted on.

You enjoyed having the whip hand. But somehow I think you will find it less awesome when the tables turn (as they ALWAYS do). And then I don’t want to hear you whining about how things are hard or unfair!

HINT: treat others as YOU would like to be treated!