Biden-Induced Human Misery Disgusting! Immorality

Let’s be brutally honest:

Joe Biden and ALL who support him have the blood of Israeli children on their hands. Sorry, you can’t argue innocence by saying, “I didn’t throw the rocks, I just held the cloaks of those who did!” And provided the rocks. And a bullhorn.

Admit it. THIS is what you are supporting. Yes, it’s disgusting. But, Lefties, it’s time that you stopped your psychopathological denial and faced the facts.

That people can do this kind of posturing while at the same time prancing and preening and taking a crap-eating “holier-than-thou” stance about how “moral” they are is unreal. It is just nauseating hypocrisy.

If you are a person of Jewish decent, just KNOW that the Democrats will very quickly hurl you under the bus in hopes of getting MI voters. ANY voter, actually. They will have you wearing yellow stars in no time! They are NOT your friends…

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Welcome to

the Biden Pleasure Dome!

A $100 grocery haul in 2019 costs almost $140 today — nearly 40 percent more for the same common items, causing consumers to “become creative to cope” with crippling inflation.

Biden-Induced Human Misery

It is pretty

obviously true.

A majority of voters are “worse off financially” under President Joe Biden, up 25 points since he assumed office in 2021, a Fox News poll found Wednesday.

The poll asked respondents, “Are you better off or worse off financially today than you were four years ago, or about
the same?”

  • Better off: 22 percent
  • Worse off: 52 percent
  • About the same: 26 percent
  • (Don’t know): *
Biden-Induced Human Misery Evil

The inevitable

consequence of Joe Biden’s immigration policies. Joe simply has blood on his hands!

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Well yeah,

OF COURSE they are!

The wages of crappy leadership are paid in the currency of human misery.

People, elections do indeed matter quite a lot! YOUR world is a lot less safe because Joe Biden is President.

So be very careful who you vote for. And it’s NOT necessarily who you want to have a beer with. You’re hiring for a skill set. You need to start thinking like an executive, not a worker bee (as valuable as worker bees are)!

I mean, let’s look at an example: Truckers. Many truckers own their own vehicle and decide what loads to take where, etc. They own their own company. In other words, they are executives. And not surprisingly they are overwhelmingly conservative.

OTOH, public school teachers (and administration) have VERY little say in what is taught and how. They are classic “worker bees” and just have to do what they are told.

And not surprisingly, they are overwhelmingly on the left–some rabidly and coercively so.

Now really big business CEOs can afford to be Leftist. But small- and even most medium-sized businesses just can’t. They eat only what they kill, so to speak. And THAT is a completely different animal.

Biden-Induced Human Misery Illegal Immigration

It really IS

astonishing! (be sure and hit “show more” on this one!)

Honestly, what the crap are 20% thinking? Are they just totally ignorant? I mean, I really don’t get it!

Basic Economics Biden-Induced Human Misery


for sure!

Biden-Induced Human Misery Current Events

Bidenflation jumps!

It’s bad, folks!

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Senile Joe

can’t run from it. HE did this!

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Welcome to

Biden’s America. Where a McDonald’s combo meal costs $18.00!

What a country!