The wages of crappy leadership are paid in the currency of human misery.
People, elections do indeed matter quite a lot! YOUR world is a lot less safe because Joe Biden is President.
So be very careful who you vote for. And it’s NOT necessarily who you want to have a beer with. You’re hiring for a skill set. You need to start thinking like an executive, not a worker bee (as valuable as worker bees are)!
I mean, let’s look at an example: Truckers. Many truckers own their own vehicle and decide what loads to take where, etc. They own their own company. In other words, they are executives. And not surprisingly they are overwhelmingly conservative.
OTOH, public school teachers (and administration) have VERY little say in what is taught and how. They are classic “worker bees” and just have to do what they are told.
And not surprisingly, they are overwhelmingly on the left–some rabidly and coercively so.
Now really big business CEOs can afford to be Leftist. But small- and even most medium-sized businesses just can’t. They eat only what they kill, so to speak. And THAT is a completely different animal.