Epic fail Intellectual Cowardice

I don’t blame

him for not wanting to have to defend Joe

Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), a top surrogate for President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, was supposed to appear on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” later this Sunday morning, where he likely would have been grilled about what business Biden has staying in the race and remaining as president. As a post from the Face the Nation X account noted, they were supposed to hear from Clyburn, described as “one of the president’s top allies,” on “whether the president should stay the course– and what happens if he doesn’t.”

Injustice Intellectual Cowardice Stooooopid!

What a freakin’

loony despot that judge is! What a maroon!

Is that weenie judge trying to makeTrump a more popular and sympathetic character?

Because THIS is how you make Trump a more popular and sympathetic character!

Incompetence Intellectual Cowardice

She’s just not

ready for prime time. I know she is whining that the question was from “a plant,” but whether it was or not, she TOTALLY failed!

Intellectual Cowardice Pathological Avoidance

Leftists show the world

how evil they really are.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that ALL Leftists are evil like this. No, but NONE of them find this evil to be a deal-breaker…

This is their motto: “I’m not personally evil, but I affiliate with those who unquestionably are.”

Kind of a “floppy” position, eh?