Anger Evil

And you are

so evil and stupid that you believe it?

Anger Anti-scientific stance Evil


Oh, so NOW you admit?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top adviser to two presidential administrations during the COVID-19 pandemic, reversed course in a Tuesday interview and agreed that shutting down schools for more than a year due to the virus was a “mistake” — while also arguing the initial decision to close classrooms was correct.

“Keeping it for a year was not a good idea,” the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) told “CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil while talking about his new memoir “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.”

Yeah, OF COURSE he doesn’t want to use that word:

“I don’t want to use the word ‘mistake,’” Fauci told ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl in an October 2022 interview when asked about school closures after announcing his retirement as both White House chief medical adviser and NIAID director.

It was despotism all the way down, dontcha know!

In testimony this year before the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci revealed that the six-feet social distancing guidelines had no scientific backing — and was “not convinced” they led to learning loss.

“It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall,” he told the panel in a January interview of the mandate that scrapped most in-person learning options. “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

Sort of just appeared? HOLY CRAP! “Empiric?” You’re using that word wrong! Deliberately. There is no such thing as an “empiric” decision not based on data! If it is not based on data, it is, by definition, NOT EMPIRIC!

This weasel should be in prison!

Anger Captain Obvious Current Events

I gotta say,

I’m really shocked!

Yes, yes, I understand that this is not the main Pediatrician group. But still, it’s a voice, and that’s a darned sight better than what we’ve had!

Anger Current Events

Well, some people

know what it’s like to be unfairly legally hounded. And they are NOT amused by the way Trump has been treated!

In truth, none of us “regulars” are…

Anger Current Events Injustice

Honestly, I’m

not at all surprised. Not one bit.

“The demand for anything and everything Trump has just exploded,” Mr. Kligman told The Epoch Times on Friday. “I mean, it is actually really nuts, and we’ve never seen anything close to what we are witnessing right now.”

… “To say it’s been busy would be an understatement. At this point, I could basically sell cow chips with the words ‘Trump 2024’ on them, and we would sell out.”

In case you are missing the cultural trend, understand that people are red-hot angry at the very obviously unfair treatment of Trump.

Trump retailers attribute the dramatic rise in demand for Trump-related memorabilia to a shared sense of injustice and a desire to defend a man they believe has been unfairly maligned by a system that isn’t only out to get the candidate but also his supporters.

Anger Backfire! Current Events

Yup! That

is undoubtedly true.

One of Trump’s pollsters, John McLaughlin, told Secrets, “President Trump is right. Joe Biden and his supporters have corrupted our legal system and used it to try to defeat their leading political opponent. President Trump’s real crime was leading Joe Biden in the polls.” [emphasis added]

… “It’s now up to the American people to reject the Biden corruption and vote to elect President Trump. If Joe Biden can do this to President Trump, he can railroad any American. This has to end,” the pollster said.

But you KNOW it’s true: This only happening because Trump is clobbering Biden in the polls. If the numbers showed a very weak Trump, there would be no prosecutions!

Anger Backfire!

Not a bit surprised.

Not one bit

This was all total crap and everyone knows it. Can’t wait to see the polls! Preliminary polls have shown a HUGE Trump spike. But I want to wait until there is a little more data…

And a third of that is from new donors!

TUMS, Democrats?

Anger Fighting Back

Really, this is

very accurate:

And there are a lot of people who feel that way!

Anger Barbaric!

Yes, yes.

Let your hate flow through you

Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has told voters to reconsider their support for Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, declaring, “You are an enabler, President Biden!” at the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit, Michigan – a key swing state with a large, traditionally Democrat-voting Muslim population.

Anger Biden-Induced Human Misery Captain Obvious

Look, I apologize

for nothing! And the proven facts support what I said…