Anti-scientific stance Bad Faith

Boy, ain’t THAT

the truth!

Anger Anti-scientific stance Evil


Oh, so NOW you admit?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top adviser to two presidential administrations during the COVID-19 pandemic, reversed course in a Tuesday interview and agreed that shutting down schools for more than a year due to the virus was a “mistake” — while also arguing the initial decision to close classrooms was correct.

“Keeping it for a year was not a good idea,” the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) told “CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil while talking about his new memoir “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.”

Yeah, OF COURSE he doesn’t want to use that word:

“I don’t want to use the word ‘mistake,’” Fauci told ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl in an October 2022 interview when asked about school closures after announcing his retirement as both White House chief medical adviser and NIAID director.

It was despotism all the way down, dontcha know!

In testimony this year before the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci revealed that the six-feet social distancing guidelines had no scientific backing — and was “not convinced” they led to learning loss.

“It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall,” he told the panel in a January interview of the mandate that scrapped most in-person learning options. “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

Sort of just appeared? HOLY CRAP! “Empiric?” You’re using that word wrong! Deliberately. There is no such thing as an “empiric” decision not based on data! If it is not based on data, it is, by definition, NOT EMPIRIC!

This weasel should be in prison!

Anti-scientific stance Barbaric! Epistemology


Just amazing! And not in a good way, either.

All the paper’s authors agreed to retract, save Lesné, who has been under investigation for manipulating data. 

What makes this retraction so significant is that it has driven research into Alzheimer’s treatments for nearly two decades, and treatment approaches based on its conclusions have failed to yield results. 

If the hypothesis that amyloid protein buildups cause Alzheimer’s symptoms is wrong, Lesné is responsible for perhaps billions of wasted research dollars and two decades of scientists following a false lead. 

And immeasurable human suffering. I mean, is my dad dead because of what she did?

MANY bedrock social psychology studies have recently been shown to be fraudulent–the foundational studies we all learned. Milgram. Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment. More currently, the “scientists” at the CDC and elsewhere who totally fabricated data in order to push a political agenda. And now this. Wow. 

Folks, we need reliable data upon which we can base decisions! And to find out that this fraud runs so amazingly deep is more than a bit discouraging. It means that we don’t actually know what we think we know. 

It is a crisis of epistemology. And it is head-spinning. 

I think we are seeing now how important morality is in Science. Because without morality, there actually is no knowledge

Anti-scientific stance DUH! Evil Clown

Oh, you don’t


Dr. Anthony Fauci said in congressional testimony that he reviewed no scientific evidence behind the specific recommendations for masking children or maintaining 6-foot social distancing before advocating these policies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

… Fauci also acknowledged in the interview that vaccine mandates during the pandemic have contributed to diminished trust in vaccination overall.

Let’s just be clear: The 6-foot distancing crap was a coercive pipe dream, and the COVID “vaccines” were not vaccines at all–they neither prevented getting the illness, nor did they prevent transmission. And there were catastrophic side effects. The arrows on the floor at Walmart were a sick and coercive joke.

Look, don’t get me wrong–I am a fan of real vaccines. But I think the evidence is quite clear that the clot shot is NOT a vaccine at all! At best it is a failed and dangerous attempt at a vaccine. And the motives of some behind this are highly questionable!

Anti-scientific stance

The fraud in

the scientific literature is unbelievable. And quite dangerous! The drive to get published and get tenure may quite literally get people killed.

Anti-scientific stance Bad Faith Dishonesty


Is that so?

“Rather than journals being a wealth of information and opinions about the novel virus, of which we knew so little, they helped establish a party line that literally put a chilling effect on scientific research” on COVID origins and scientific communication, Wenstrup said.

It’s long. Read it all. And weep. Or get angry. Or both.

Anti-scientific stance Epistemology

See, I think Academia

is in some serious trouble. Once people start honestly fact-checking, there is very likely to be many, if not most, researchers who are in fact guilty of Academic fraud. And THAT scares the crap out of Professors!

So Academia as a whole is scared, and rightly so. Because so dang many of them took a scientific shortcut to fame and fortune. Leaving epistemological squalor in their wake.

And it’s not a new thing. No, not by a long shot. I am a psychologist. And MANY of the seminal, ground-breaking experiments at the very heart of psychology were… faked. I learned about them as a student, and taught them myself as a professor. And they were faked–the Stanford Prison experiment, Milgram’s electric shocks, lots of it. And these were bread-and-butter staples of psych 101!

But suddenly people are (rightly) becoming very skeptical. They are (again, rightly) less impressed by credentials, soi-disant expertise, and “scientific findings,” etc. MANY famous studies just can’t be replicated–and you wonder why. Well, I guess we know why now…

And it’s NOT just psychology–that is just what I personally am most familiar with. Nutrition is another area that is more than a bit sketchy in that way. Even some medical “science” is more wish-fulfillment, hide-bound-ness, fear-mongering, and profit-seeking than fact (see: COVID “vaccines”).

The solution? Honest science. Show your work. Independent replication. Time. True peer review. These things are actually in place, it’s just that they have been bastardized, bowdlerized, and corrupted.

I trust reviewed and replicated science. Humans? Not so much…

Anti-scientific stance Gun Control

No, it really

isn’t all that difficult to grasp…

Anti-scientific stance

Well, things

DO change!

Remember when we had to follow the arrows in the grocery store aisles? Gee, I wonder how many lives that saved…

Anti-scientific stance

Know the data.

pay attention to the data. This is NOT about your silly political, anti-scientific hackism!