
What Democrat

people in Congress do to their Republican cohorts…


Well, it’s

pretty much true. Even now, no one looks back at the Biden years fondly. And what we are seeing NOW is the best that it will ever get for him!

Biden is going to be remembered, at least in the short term, is the guy who was just in between the Trump terms …

Yup, at best a historical oddity, coming (through fraud) between the two Trump terms. Trump is the ONLY reason he will be remembered at all. He will be the answer to a stumper of a question in “Trivial Pursuit.”

So he’s like Benjamin Harrison between the two terms of Grover Cleveland. Who remembers that?


Homan has

strategically decided to go after the Mayor of Chicago first. And it’s a great strategy! Because once he makes an example of THAT mayor, who else would dare resist him? Yes, Pour encourager les autres.

“So what Homan is doing is thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, who is the Admiral Byng of all of these 600 jurisdictions that I have to encourage you? I know the most obnoxious, the most crazy, the most nullification advocate in one of the second or third largest cities is Chicago, that crazy Mayor Johnson,’” Hanson continued. “‘So we’re going to tell him first, you try to stop the federal government and you think you’re South Carolina 1832 or you think you’re firing on Fort Sumner. You’re going to regret it because you were breaking federal law and we have a lot more federal laws that you would want us to follow in your interest than you do federal laws to break.’”

Listen to the very short video!

Captain Obvious Chumps Current Events

Well, it’s

pretty much impossible to hide the facts any longer!

It’s no good at doing what it says it intended to do!

Well, the media is finally admitting Obamacare hasn’t made health insurance more affordable — a stunning admission, considering “affordable” is quite literally in the official name of the law. No one can pretend that making health insurance more affordable for Americans wasn’t the supposed point of the law. 

Although the CBS News article doesn’t mention “Obamacare” or the “Affordable Care Act” by name, it effectively acknowledges that Barack Obama’s signature legislation has been a monumental failure.

What, you’re just figuring this out? Well, DUH! I mean, how tragically ignorant ARE you?

Captain Obvious Chumps

Nancy sticks

a shiv into Kamala. The revenge of Joe Biden, let’s just say…

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said election season “would have been different” if the Democrat Party had held a real primary process after President Joe Biden abandoned his reelection bid and immediately endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, backtracking on her previous statements that they had actually held an “open primary.”

How embarrassing! Pelosi, et al. got outflanked by a senile old coot! Oh my! How rich!

Bat-crap crazy! Chumps

Sure, sure:

walk it back Kamala!

Kamala Harris finally decided to drop some key economic agenda items last week, and you’d have to be living under a rock to not know that it was a disaster. Kamala was blasted from both sides of the aisle for proposing dangerous policies that are likely to make the problems she claims to want to fix even worse. 

… “It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is,” Rampell wrote Thursday evening. “It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.”

So Kamala de-emphasized this stupidity, and frantically walked it back. A bit. Please, let this lady speak! I want her to very publicly talk about her policies!

Maybe her staff can claw her back from her hackneyed 1943 thinking. Then again, perhaps not…

Chumps Media Flying Monkeys


The NYT finally “discovers” that Hunter DID try to sell influence and then have his dad cover it up!

A bit slow on the draw, aren’t you?

Chumps Dishonesty

“Hair” Newsom’s

lies notwithstanding, CA is losing businesses and population, big-time.

"Green" religion Chumps

Well yeah.

because solar sucks! And it is dangerous! No. Just no!

Chumps Immorality

I agree

with this guy!

Code Pink thinks this makes this guy look bad? No, quite the opposite.