Fools Stooooopid!

I always knew

in my heart that Superman was a really BAD dude!

Lefties, you are ridiculous, and we’re all laughing at you!

Dishonesty Fools

Oh yeah!

Suuuure you did, Kamala… She is laughably a liar!

DUH! Epic fail Fools

Ya think maybe,

Democrats? It was a false step of EPIC proportions! I mean, really unbelievable!

Basically, Democrats got so Trump-deranged that they said, “Oh yeah?” and promptly shot themselves in the foot. They cut off their nose to spite their face. Fools!


Iran poked

the tiger and got the claws. Iran, wisen up. Don’t DO that!

Israel’s Oct. 26 retaliatory strike on Iran “destroyed an active top secret nuclear weapons research facility,” according to an Axios report. The news outlet spoke to various U.S. and Israeli officials about the strikes, including one on Iran’s Parchin Military Complex, a nuclear research facility that was “previously reported to be inactive.”

Iran really IS in a world of hurt in terms of missiles, now. And it’s not getting better any time soon…

There’s also the small matter of Iran’s missile production, which was hobbled in the same October air raid that destroyed Iran’s Parchin Military Complex. Three weeks ago, “multiple reports citing Israeli, American and Iranian officials,” plus satellite imagery, revealed that Israel’s Oct. 26 air raid “crippled Iran’s ability to produce long-range ballistic missiles.”

Current Events Fools

Don’t kid yourself,

the “Never Trumper” have exposed themselves as rigid Lefty ideologues of the first order. They are ideological dinosaurs, and are quickly sharing the very same fate.

NO ONE gives a crap what they say anymore! The Left (rightly) sees them as unreliable allies of convenience, at best. The Right sees them (again rightly) as back-stabbing turncoats who are more concerned about getting food scraps from their Democrat master’s table than the good of the country.

No one on either side sees them as principled truth-seekers, And again, rightly so.

Like most Never Trumpers, French makes clear he has no intention of ever conceding that he might have been wrong about his earlier bigoted judgments of Trump supporters. The “lessons” he claims to have learned is that we Trump supporters are even more stupid, more brainwashed, and more cowardly than he would have dared to dream. 

… Whether Trump wins or loses on Tuesday, the fact remains that the Republican Party has undergone a complete rebranding. In these people’s eight-year mission to prevent this, they have utterly failed. The Right now knows who they are and have purged them from its midst. The Left used them for all they were worth and will discard them without a second thought after this election.

… In the words of Dante: “The heavens, that their beauty not be lessened, have cast them out, nor will deep Hell receive them — even the wicked cannot glory in them.”


Ahhh! The

good old days!

And think of how bad this interview really was! I mean, 60 Minutes extensively edited it. They did the best they could. And yet…

Harris’ actual response was not so eloquent, however. Upon Whitaker pointing out that “Netanyahu is not listening,” Harris offered, “well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel very much prompted by or a result of, um, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region.”

She simply is not fit to be President. Wacky MSM-induced Trump hatred might well carry her across the finish line, but the FACT remains that she is not fit to be President.

It’s one thing for someone new to the spotlight to have a case of the nerves and ramble during an interview. Kamala Harris has been in the public eye and in front of television cameras for 20 years now. Her mush-mouthed lunacy is chronic and incurable. How in the hell are millions of eligible voters convincing themselves that she’s functional? I need to know. 

Honestly, I don’t know. It is amazing to me.


Sure, there are others

that ought to speak out, but Taylor Swift is particularly disgusting in her hypocrisy. People like you because you are a paid clown.

Just shut up! Sing and dance, monkey, sing and dance! But don’t stuff your head up with things you know nothing about!


Don’t be a total

fool! OF COURSE she won’t! She’s just lying. If she wanted to do it she could do it NOW!

SPOILER: She doesn’t. She never will. Don’t be stupid.

Fools Hypocrisy

Vivek from the

top rope!


It’s true,

there’s now way in Heck Kamala could have done anything like this.

Kamala is essentially doing a “basement campaign.” She is staying out of view as much as possible because she is quite likely to say something stupid or offensive to good judgment. So it’s hide, hide, hide!

Voters, don’t be fooled. Lefties KNOW she is stupid but are fine with that because she is Lefty. It’s not her that they want, it’s Leftism. As one Leftist on the street said, they are not voting for a person, they are voting for an ideology.

Yup, that was the case with Joe Biden, too. It is a tribal thing, not a rational one.