Age-related decline Lefty Political Strategy


Here’s my prediction: After Tuesday you will not hear about Joe “Bitin'” Biden again until his funeral.

NEVER in the history of America has a President become so irrelevant so fast!

Age-related decline

It’s actually

really sad. Pathetic in the pathos sort of way. It’s not that Joe Biden was ever a “great guy” or admirable. He was always a blowhard dirtbag. But it still evokes some pity in seeing his fall.

Unexpectedly, he rose to dizzying heights. And his downfall has been just as dramatic. But there is NO question that this was Joe Biden’s swan song.

Unfortunately, he’s going out after having left the country in shambles. He’s leaving because he was shoved off his reelection bid by his own party, who knew he was going to lose. 

His condition was much in evidence as he spoke, despite the fact that he had a teleprompter. 

A handler even had to indicate to him where the podium was that he was supposed to speak from. 

He was slurring up a storm and you could see how heavily he was relying on the teleprompter. And he seemed to be getting even older even as he detailed some of the things that had happened over those 50 years. 

I think it is amazing how fast Democrats kicked him, yelling and screaming, to the curb. Only a HUGE idiot thinks he just decide to leave on his own. No, it is quite plain to even stupid people that he was railroaded out!

Age-related decline Captain Obvious

I think it is

abundantly clear the Joe Biden is incapacitated and is simply can’t function as President. So why hasn’t the 25th Amendment been invoked against him? ANSWER: Crass political opportunism.

Biden is completely toasted, and he’s not even trying to hide it anymore. There was a time when he and his handlers would at least play this off as a joke. Now, he’s just shouting at people during public events with his annoyance at even having to fulfill the duties of his office on full display. If you’re looking for an explanation for why Jill Biden has been leading cabinet meetings and handling press interactions at the White House, the above video offers a pretty darn good one. 

Watch. And weep for your country:

How did we get here? We got here because Harris and others around Biden lied to everyone, and there’s been zero accountability in the wake of those lies. The United States essentially has no president at the moment, and very few people seem to care. That kind of complacency is a scary proposition. [emphasis added]

Age-related decline DUH!

Yeah, well

we already pretty much knew that. It was obvious to even the dullest among us! I mean, we ALL knew that he was absolutely riddled with dementia. EVERYONE knew it.

We were right all along. They called us conspiracy theorists and “cheap fake” artists, but now the left’s favorite member of the State Run Media™ admits that Kamala and the White House “inner circle” lied about Joe Biden’s dementia-addled, sundowning decline. 

… A Post editorial earlier this week admits that Biden’s “inner circle worked to conceal his decline” (emphasis added). That means there was a conspiracy to conceal the president’s decline from the American people. Ruminate on that for a second. 

… Oh, now they tell us. Are you tired of uttering that after reading a story that tells a kernel of the truth long after their lies have changed history? Me too. That’s why we’ve got to stop being sops for these fakes and read with a more discerning eye. 

Look, NO ONE is so stupid that they actually thought Biden was still firing on all cylinders. No one. Democrat stooges may have said that this was “the best Biden ever,” but they were lying. They knew it, and they knew WE knew it–but they still kept on lying…

Age-related decline

Oh my heavens!

how senile IS this guy?

Guys, this guy is clearly not the one running the show. I’m not totally sure ho is, but I do know it’s Joe “PINO*” Biden.

*PINO=”President In Name ONLY”

Age-related decline Humor

It’s just sad

that all this hilarity had to come to an end.

I mean, we have Kamala, and she is certainly a numbskull. But I will miss the special, unending comedy that is Joe Biden.

Age-related decline Politics

You wanna know

the worst thing abut Biden quitting? I have a ton of really great memes that are now useless. Yeah, that pretty much stinks. I’m sure I will amass a TON for Kamala. It has already started, and I am seeing them. I mean, it’s pretty dang easy. I must just say, it is a target-rich environment.

Still, it is a real wrench to lose all the ones I had. But we’re getting to the end.

Age-related decline

I find this to

be VERY interesting. Lewy body dementia is bordering on but slightly outside my realm of expertise. Still, this physician is pretty persuasive. And in light of the fact that a Parkinson’s Disease expert just visited the White House, I am suddenly quite concerned.

PD is a waxing and waning disease. Today can be awful, and tomorrow better. Treatment can make the awful somewhat better but doesn’t change the disease. It just changes how it looks. And it doesn’t change the fact that there is, at present, no treatment that will reverse the disease. Joe’s over the hill and gaining speed.

This may not be Alzheimer’s at all, but Lewy body Dementia, which is (as I understand it) more in the Parkinson’s disease realm. In any case, it won’t be getting better!

Biden shaking hands with unseen people is something we have ALL seen. Is Biden at times having transient hallucinations?

His Lewy Body Dementia variant of PD gives him visual hallucinations. We saw them demonstrated when he walked away from the assembled heads of state toward an unknown and invisible person at the G7 meeting. There are several other public events that are best explained by Joe responding to a visual hallucination.

Diagnostically, I really don’t know what is going on. But something sure is!

Age-related decline

You really don’t

have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing!

And the eye color is different. His 2019 eyes are blue with the pupil visible. His 2024 eyes were black, with no pupil (or ALL pupil dilated). Just the lighting? Or did he have HUGE pupils in the 2024 clip? And if so, why might that be? As an aside, meth usually dilates pupils…

But just watch this!

Age-related decline

Yeah, it was

pretty dang disturbing!

Joe is a befuddled old geezer!

There are just some things that old man “safety shoes” can’t fix!