Age-related decline Politics

You wanna know

the worst thing abut Biden quitting? I have a ton of really great memes that are now useless. Yeah, that pretty much stinks. I’m sure I will amass a TON for Kamala. It has already started, and I am seeing them. I mean, it’s pretty dang easy. I must just say, it is a target-rich environment.

Still, it is a real wrench to lose all the ones I had. But we’re getting to the end.

Age-related decline Dementia Joe

I find this to

be VERY interesting. Lewy body dementia is bordering on but slightly outside my realm of expertise. Still, this physician is pretty persuasive. And in light of the fact that a Parkinson’s Disease expert just visited the White House, I am suddenly quite concerned.

PD is a waxing and waning disease. Today can be awful, and tomorrow better. Treatment can make the awful somewhat better but doesn’t change the disease. It just changes how it looks. And it doesn’t change the fact that there is, at present, no treatment that will reverse the disease. Joe’s over the hill and gaining speed.

This may not be Alzheimer’s at all, but Lewy body Dementia, which is (as I understand it) more in the Parkinson’s disease realm. In any case, it won’t be getting better!

Biden shaking hands with unseen people is something we have ALL seen. Is Biden at times having transient hallucinations?

His Lewy Body Dementia variant of PD gives him visual hallucinations. We saw them demonstrated when he walked away from the assembled heads of state toward an unknown and invisible person at the G7 meeting. There are several other public events that are best explained by Joe responding to a visual hallucination.

Diagnostically, I really don’t know what is going on. But something sure is!

Age-related decline

You really don’t

have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing!

And the eye color is different. His 2019 eyes are blue with the pupil visible. His 2024 eyes were black, with no pupil (or ALL pupil dilated). Just the lighting? Or did he have HUGE pupils in the 2024 clip? And if so, why might that be? As an aside, meth usually dilates pupils…

But just watch this!

Age-related decline

Yeah, it was

pretty dang disturbing!

Joe is a befuddled old geezer!

There are just some things that old man “safety shoes” can’t fix!

Age-related decline Buffoons

Narrator voice:

There aren’t any

The pleas from within the party, while unlikely to actually result in a change atop the ticket, reflect a major turn in the campaign. Incumbent presidents have traditionally underperformed during their first debates — inundated by the demands of the job and often unable to dedicate serious time to preparation. But Thursday’s debate was unique in that it affirmed an existing preconception of Biden among many voters as a candidate past his sell-by date.

… “No one expected a master class in debating from Joe Biden, but no one expected this nose dive,” said a senior adviser to top Democratic officials. “He was bad on message, bad on substance, bad on counter punching, bad on presentation, bad on non-verbals. There was no bright spot in this debate for him. The only bright spot is that this happened in June and not October.”

Remember, Democrats insisted on June precisely because if things went south for them there would still be time to recover before the election!

Age-related decline

It is

just unreal!

Who IS the feeble dotard?

Age-related decline Democrat Death-Rattle

It REALLY wasn’t

a good look for Joe.

Age-related decline Bat-crap crazy!

The most

distressing ad I’ve ever seen!

Age-related decline

Hey, Biden’s

gotta practice standing up for that long!

Age-related decline Captain Obvious

You know,

dosing is tricky: You want to give him enough that he doesn’t look dopey and totally “slow Joe.” Yet a little too much and he is quite obviously out-of-his-skull high, yelling spasmodically like he did at the SOTU. It’s a fine line…

The debate was shortened to an hour to avoid having the meth cocktail wear off mid-debate, but it is still an hour–and the drugs should cover that. I do wish, however, that the debate were the customary and regular 90 minutes in length.

But Joe can probably go 60 minutes (minus 2 commercial breaks) without obviously soiling himself, falling down, and descending into confused gibberish. Probably. His “stability shoes” should help a lot. And expectations of him are set SO low that anything short of that will be hailed by the lackey MSM as a HUGE victory for him!

And yet…

Yeah, ya think?

Well, that is interesting. We should be surprised by Biden’s “physical performance” as well? Why is that? Lately, the Biden campaign has been dogged by a slew of viral videos showing Biden’s physical and cognitive deterioration. Why, exactly, are we going to be surprised?

“If you look at how Joe Biden usually is — slow and stumbling — compared to how he was during the State of the Union — fiery and angry — these are signs that are typical for someone taking Adderall or any amphetamine,” Lieberman said back in March

According to Lieberman, the real surprise will be whether Biden shows up at all. 

“Biden has been having an accelerated number of ‘gaffes’ in recent weeks, such as his performance at West Point, D-Day, Juneteenth, and the L.A. Fundraiser where Obama (since the Easter Bunny wasn’t available) had to lead him off the stage,” she said. “We’re told he’s going to surprise us with his ‘physical performance,’ which could mean ten push-ups or simply his being able to stand through the whole debate.”

I wish the debate would have been 90 minutes–so we could see if Biden could stand that long!