Leftugees The Great Sorting

There is indeed

a natural “sorting.” Again, it is very scary to see people move–one worries that these people are just looking for a new nest to befoul. As a citizen of a strongly Republican state, I very much share that concern.


There is some great news out of an analysis of new-to-Tennessee voters casting their first ballots after registering in Tennessee – they are voting overwhelmingly Republican. In this study, first time voters from California are casting more than three times as many Republican ballots as they are Democrat ballots.

These folks are, on the whole, NOT Lefty evangelists but beleaguered Leftugees. Florida got significantly more Conservative with an influx of people. TN seems to be seeing the same thing.

Maybe it really is a kind of sorting. Moving is NOT easy, and only the most motivated will go that route. And there is the admonition they regularly hear to not make their new home the same Democrat hellhole they just left.

In a way, these refugees fleeing to red states are a little bit like the Cubans who escaped from Castro’s communism. They experienced first-hand just how destructive left-wing governance can be, and they have a passion to not let their new home states fall victim to the same political ruin that they fled.

Once a person has been forced to drink out of the bitter cup of Leftism, he is not eager to again stain his lips!

Basic Economics Leftugees The Great Sorting

There really IS

no contest!

But you know, for those of us in more conservative states, it is VERY scary! Still, pretty much it is conservatives who flee “blue” states and become “Leftugees,” not Leftists who move to become Marxist missionaries.

And we have seen that in the Florida demographics. Florida is solidly “red” now. There is indeed a “Great Sort” that is going on! People are voting with their feet, and voter fraud is simply not a tool Lefties have at their disposal in this contest. They can’t fake it.

One of the most important phenomena in contemporary America is the Great Sort–we are increasingly dividing into red and blue states, in part because of domestic migration. But that migration is basically a one-way street: people are fleeing blue states and moving to red states. Many, but not all, of these migrants are conservatives seeking a more congenial home. And of course there are liberals living in red states, but very few of them are picking up stakes and volunteering for higher taxes and more sluggish economies.

And the data are really quite clear: Leftism don’t work worth crap! THAT is why so many of my “Soft Lefty” friends insist on living in a conservative state! I mean, if Leftism is so awesome, why don’t they move to Portland, Oregon?

I think we ALL know the answer to that question… Everyone is conservative about what they know best! They may talk Lefty, but they will act conservatively…

I think it was Justice Brandeis who referred to the states as laboratories of democracy. Well, we have been carrying out a laboratory experiment in governance, and the results are in. Conservative policies work, and liberal policies don’t.

Conservative states have gained income through Leftugees: Lefty states have lost population and income–ALL to Conservative states. Now Lefties, don’t go a-hatin’ on me–I’m just telling you what the data are!

There is no reason to expect the Great Sort to abate any time soon. On the contrary, as time goes by the superiority of red state governance becomes ever more obvious. And the blue states that chase away their most productive citizens will only face worse and worse fiscal problems that will make it harder for them to compete.

Where does it all end? I don’t know, but one possibility is that the current balance in our national politics, where far-left and center-right forces are almost equal, may before long become obsolete. America may become definitively a center-right country, simply because that is where most people and most resources are located.


Yes, yes,

the smart money’s getting out. The heartbreaking thing is that for many, becoming a Leftugee is not really an option. they are pretty much trapped.

Leftugees Lefty Political Philosophy

Yeah, just another


But the article is utterly wrong on one thing: The conservative Idaho Tribune broke the news…

Yeah, THAT’s wrong! The Idaho Tribune is FAR from conservative. It has LONG been a hard Lefty outlet. My grandfather was a state congressman in Idaho years ago (I was in grade school) and I remember the disdain he had for the Trib because they were raging Leftists even then!

So sure, Inslee is fleeing to Idaho. Because everyone is conservative about what they know best! But the Trib has always been far Left when compared to the population.



they are fleeing “blue” states if they can! And I do understand that becoming a Leftugee is not always the best move for people. But the stats show that it often is!

If Americans living in incorrigibly progressive states want change, they will have to vote with their feet and wallets.

California is absolutely beautiful. The weather in San Diego is about as perfect as can be imagined, and it is pretty awesome anywhere along the massive coast.

And yet, Leftism has almost destroyed it completely. Next time you hear someone say, “JUST politics,” remind them of California…


Yeah, people

are fleeing. And for good reason…

Relocation firm moveBuddha looked at searches for 100,000 moves just this year, and five of the top ten were people looking to get out of the Golden State for almost anywhere else. “5 of the top 10 exit metros are in California, the firm reported on Monday. “Los Angeles has the highest interest in outbound moves, with 42% more outbound inquiries than runner-up San Francisco. Per capita, the prize goes to San Francisco.”

Not everyone can leave, I get that. But more and more people are seriously making calculations. Just don’t crap in your new nest, if you DO leave.

Remember, you are a Leftugee, not a missionary…

Leftugees Political philosophy

In some ways, a

“National Divorce” has already happened. Or is already happening. People are streaming out of Democrat states like CA, IL, Oregon, and NY, fleeing to “free” states like Texas, Florida, the Dakotas, Tennessee, Idaho, and Utah.

And it is scary for residents of those states. VERY scary. Because we don’t know how these “Leftugees” will affect the states. The fear is that they will again soil their own nests with Lefty policies.

Yet moving is NOT easy. You have to be pretty dang motivated to do so. You have to really want something different. You have to have a mindset of change.

And so far, the data show the Conservatives in Lefty states are much, much more motivated to leave and seek a better life than Leftists are–they want to remain in the warm, sticky embrace of the Lefty fever swamps.

In FL, the Leftugees are, on the whole, actually more Conservative than the residents! So yes, it’s scary for the residents. But Florida is no longer a toss-up state–it is solidly red. So just how the migration will actually change things in target states is really not at all clear right now.

Because once people have been forced to drink out of the bitter cup of Leftism, they are often not eager to again stain their lips…

Current Events Leftugees

Yes, people are

voting with their feet. But I’m not sure what that means. It’s true that in FL, the “movers” are, on the whole, MORE conservative than the residents!

I guess that after once drinking from the bitter cup of Leftism, they are not eager to again stain their lips…

But there is a real concern that these folks will behave as Lefty missionaries, when in fact they are refugees. And I think that does indeed happen, though I’m not at all sure that’s typical.

Still, some unusual movement IS happening. Is it a “Great Sort” where birds of a feather are flocking together, or is it diluting Conservatism and making the country as a whole more Lefty homogeneous?

Earlier this month, the Census Bureau released data on “net domestic migration.” This tracks where people are moving between counties in the country. Last year, the 10 counties that gained the most through net migration had one thing in common – they were conservative counties that voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

At the other end of the spectrum, all 10 counties that saw the biggest negative net migration also have one thing in common – they all voted for Biden in 2020. That includes two blue counties located in red states – Miami-Dade County, Florida, (where Biden beat Trump 53%-46%), and Dallas County, Texas, (where Biden got 65% of the vote).

… In other words, in just the three years after Biden won his election, more than 1% of the population had packed up and moved out of counties that voted for him. [emphasis added]

So just what does this all mean? Honestly, I don’t know. But I lean toward a “Great Sort” given what has happened in history and the FL data.

I mean, it’s pretty dang hard to move, and I strongly suspect that Conservatives are far more motivated to leave the Lefty squalor of their current environs than Leftists are to move and become “missionaries.”


There is some change

that residents really don’t want to happen!

Yes, west-coasters, welcome to Idaho. But remember you are a refugee, not a missionary…


Well, it has been

a MAJOR concern. And maybe “Leftugees” who are still mired in Lefty ideas are just more vocal than others. Regardless, one can perceive a bit of a shift to the Left in places like Idaho.

The data, which was reviewed by Fox News Digital, show that out of the roughly 20,000 Americans who moved from Washington state to Idaho, 62% registered as Republicans, compared to 12% as Democrats, 24% as unaffiliated and 2% as “other.” 

Even so, the data show it is not as bad as is often feared. Bad, yes. But not as bad as feared. For example, while the large majority of Leftugees who have been forced to drink out of the bitter cup of Leftism are not eager to again stain their lips, the 12% who remain Lefty dead-enders are quite vocal and materially damage the area.

The Seattle Times noted that real estate ads advise residents in states such as Washington to “escape liberal hell” and move to Idaho. 

… Out of the nearly 40,000 people who left California for Idaho, a whopping 75% registered as Republicans, the data reviewed by Fox News Digital show. Only 10% of the California pool registered as Democrats, 14% as unaffiliated and 2% as “other.”

And those numbers make sense to me. One has to be pretty motivated to quit one’s job, leave friends and familiar environs, sell the house, and move.