Culture Moral Agency

In my professional

life, I spend all day every day reading psychological evaluations. Yesterday I ran across a line in a report that really struck me:

Just because he has a disorder does not mean that he cannot engage in some behavior on purpose.

I think that MUCH of the time people (and psychologists, who should know better) talk as if a psychological disorder somehow completely prevents a person from exercising moral agency.

Well, it doesn’t. Not typically. Maybe the more severe a condition is the less moral agency is in play–OK, I can buy that–but to say that the presence of a disorder means that the person can exert no moral agency at all is bull crap!

A good psychologist has to tease apart that which is a choice and that which is a mere reflex.

Denying moral agency also means that there is no way to “decide” to change and get better. Denying moral agency may lead to one feeling “better” and “justified” in the very short term, but it is a damning straight-jacket that actually prevents people from changing and getting better.

There is simply no way to believe in change without also believing in moral agency.

Lefty empty-headed shills Moral Agency Political philosophy

It’s downright

scary. If you don’t agree, you are demonized and de-humanized. “Dark Brandon” has said that anyone, including the Supreme Court, who doesn’t bow to his Lefty will is an enemy, and must be destroyed. There is no loyal or reasoned opposition–only enemies of the Left to be destroyed. And he has already TWICE halfway-threatened to use atomic weapons and fighter jets against US civilians!

Yeah, scary! Because this is no idle threat–it is Leftism getting back to its philosophical roots. And a large portion of people would smugly go along with it…

Moral Agency Ontology

Here’s a radical idea:

Without moral agency there is no moral existence at all. See, if all we are boils down to being “a very complex hammer,” then ALL we do is merely necessary. There simply is no moral meaning to a hammer hitting a nail–or your thumb! The hammer is not morally bad for hitting your thumb.

The hammer simply doesn’t exist as a moral agent! It is not something to act, it is just something to be acted upon. It’s not a morally bad hammer for hitting your thumb–it’s just a hammer, impelled by previous forces in a never-ending “turtles all the way down” infinite regress sort of pseudo-explanation.

In a similar fashion, if all WE do is merely metaphysically necessary, there is no moral meaning to our actions at all. I just do what I’m “programmed” by experience to do, and there is no moral aspect to it–no “right” or “wrong.”

So maybe I’m Pol Pot or Stalin or Hitler, but what those folks did is not morally bad, it is simply necessary–just like the hammer doesn’t “choose” where to strike, their actions were impelled by other, previous causes and thus not morally wrong at all. They are just a complex hammer. I may prefer or not prefer their actions (in au courant post-modern style), but there is no moral meaning attached!

That also precludes knowledge (except of the most banal and meaningless type), but I’m not going into that here. But it does.

Moral Agency

Stop smoking!

The EU has banned smoking altogether.

I’m not a fan of the policy. Who would enFORCE it? While that is superficially a good idea—I agree that smoking is bad—such a policy abrogates agency. I can just hear some politician say: “I will save EVERYONE from smoking. And surely I will do it, therefore give ME the glory.” Sounds good, right? Lots of people have followed that path, because it is VERY attractive. Tale (literally) as old as time…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not enamored with smoking. At all. But I AM a fan of moral agency…

And how punitive are YOU willing to get? More restricted areas? Fines? Jail time? Death penalty? Yeah, it didn’t work with prohibition (which led to gangs and bootlegging and rampant human misery). It also won’t work here. Mark my words, there will be a HUGE black market for cigarettes in the UK!

Alternative: My idea is that you don’t behave in a way that impinges on others—whether it is smoking or bank robbery. But now we are NOT talking about external rules, we are talking about personal morality.

In short, what works in such situations is CONVERSION, a way-of-being. Not force and coercion. But when there is actual moral agency, there will ALWAYS be people who choose poorly. Even the very elect can make a wrong choice…

Lefty Violence Moral Agency Political philosophy

Understand well.

The Left is congenitally violent.

That violence is not a “bug” of Leftism, it is the beating heart of Leftism itself! There simply is no Leftism without at least threatened violence. And often it is not just threatened…

Yes, the Left are (obviously) the theoretical heirs of National Socialism, and the violence and force and intimidation of the Gestapo is quite naturally inherent in Leftism.

Those who are Conservative, OTOH, value freedom and moral agency. Taken to an extreme, it is Libertarian in nature. Conservatives value persuasion and conversion, while Leftists hang their hat on coercion and the lack of moral agency.

Indeed, the lack of moral agency is the defining characteristic of Leftism. Leftism is, at base, a distorted, deformed, evil parody of moral agency.

Lefty Political Philosophy Moral Agency

Have you not

understood that for the Left, it is always and only about power?

That’s why VIOLENCE and FORCE are logically necessary parts of Leftism!

It is ALL about force and lack of moral agency! The battle has always been about moral agency. Leftism is just the latest variation on that theme. As always, it is wrapped in a patina of fairies and unicorns and good intentions so as to fool people and Judo-like,”flip” good intentions into evil actions.

Understand well that even the very smart are fooled. YOU are not too smart to be taken in, here!

Lefty Political Philosophy Moral Agency

Don’t be fooled.

The Left is dangerous. If you become a thorn in their side, they will actively seek to destroy you. Violence and force is indeed the dark side of Leftism, and the reason there have been so many violent and oppressive Lefty regimes is that such violence is intrinsic to Leftism itself!

There simply IS no Leftism without force and violence.

It is the embodiment of “We will force you to do what (we think) is right–and you WILL be grateful.”

But moral agency is the key to moral progress. As Tolkien clearly saw and wrote about:

And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!’

She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad.

‘I pass the test,’ she said. ‘I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel.’

Now Lefties, will YOU pass the test?

Freedom Moral Agency


the bitter fruit of Leftism!

Despotism Force Moral Agency

I guess I have to

say it again: Folks in rural western Oregon are very different from the unhinged Lefty freaks in Portland and Salem! And naturally, these people don’t want to be associated with those unhinged Lefty freaks in Portland and Salem. And that is why they want to join Idaho, which is far more sane.

The people in eastern Oregon are generally patriotic and sane, and they’re tired of being subjected to the misrule of the far-Left kleptocrats in Salem, who care about them only as a cash cow to fund their socialist pipe dreams. Accordingly, some have formed the Greater Idaho movement, which actually hopes to detach Oregon’s rural eastern counties from the state and attach them to Idaho. This movement, as fanciful as it seems, is gathering steam, and that has Democrats enraged. Whatever else it may be, their rage is revealing.

So Lefties are angry that these people want to escape and flee. Heard this before?: Think Cuba, East Germany, and the USSR… ALL states that tried (with guns) to prevent people from leaving! THAT is actually a defining characteristic of Leftism itself. Ask anyone who had to live behind the Iron Curtain!

And having once been forced to drink from that bitter cup of Leftism, they are not eager to again stain their lips…

it underscores the historical fact that Leftists can only maintain their rule by force. People who have never lived in a socialist state often long to live in one (just look at Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez), but those who have actually suffered under socialist rule know better.

And it’s not just Oregon!

This isn’t new, I wrote about it in my paper on state secession, but these state secession movements are getting stronger. Eastern California, Oregon, and Washington, southern Illinois, upstate New York, etc. They want to get away from the woke metro areas before they’re dragged down.

And THAT is why pseudo-socialist states like Oregon are bound and determined to never let them leave, if they possibly can. No, these states can’t just say, “You go your way and I’ll go mine.” Their philosophical bedrock is force, not moral agency!

Moral Agency

Yeah, well we

ALL have to choose what we will do, right? And I’m totally OK with people making their own choices. And that doesn’t make me an anti-vaxxer. I just think that people can choose. I guess that makes me a radical…

Go ahead. You be you. And I will be me. But don’t try and force ME to make choices YOU approve of. And I have no intention (or desire) to force YOU to do what I think.