Biden-Induced Human Misery Captain Obvious Economics

Yeah, we ALL know

that the economy sucks and that it is “Biden’s” fault. DUH! Even Janet Yellin knows that.

“Well, I think most Americans know that prices are not likely to fall,” Yellin told ABC News on Sunday. “It’s not the Fed’s objective to try to push the level of prices back to where they were.” [emphasis added]

… While the monthly, year-over-year rate has certainly dropped, the electorate sees this from a different perspective — by how much prices have gone up since Biden was inaugurated. That is more important to the electorate, as prices have increased by 17.3 percent, what The Winston Group has termed the Presidential Inflation Rate (PIR). In looking at the performance of the previous seven presidents at the same point in their terms, only President Jimmy Carter had a larger increase.[emphasis added]

… Even a cursory look at these economic comparisons explains why the electorate disapproves of Biden’s handling of the economy and inflation by as much as 20-point margins. Contrasting Biden’s record with virtually any other president, except Carter, only makes his own economic record look worse.

Look, “Biden” has taken a Lefty sledgehammer to the economy. What he has done is just horrible! He IS a Jimmy Carter, but without the same species of smug self-righteousness. Biden’s smug self-righteousness is of a different variety…

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Yeah, we’re

not laughing. Not one bit.

Now that the 2024 election approaches, Biden and his allies are panicky. They say you are wrong and economic times are great. You should stop complaining and thank them for what they’ve done for (to) you. 

Biden-Induced Human Misery

It’s coming.

Sorry! THIS is the bitter fruit of Leftism. Always.

Despite the Fed jacking up interest rates faster than at any time since the inflation-crushing Reagan-Volcker hikes of 1981 — and sucking liquidity out of the economy via quantitative tightening (QT) — inflation remains stubbornly above the Fed’s 2% target… and it could come roaring back thanks to growing cracks in the foundation of Bidenomics.

Biden-Induced Human Misery

HUGE self-own!

He’s not good at this. And neither is his staff.

In the first image, a junior tray, which involves a smaller main item and two sides, was $4.99, while a tray featuring a larger main and two sides, was $5.99. The second image, which we know is from the president’s visit this week, shows the junior tray at $6.59 and the regular tray at $7.59.

That’s an increase of 32% for the junior tray and a 27% jump in price for the regular tray over three or four years! (Aren’t you glad I did the math for you?) I wish I could’ve found the price differential for those milkshakes that Biden loves so much, but you can bet they’ve gone up by about the same amount, too.

“Bidenomics” at work!

Biden-Induced Human Misery Evil Illegal Immigration Treason

Thanks Joe Biden!

What a peach!

<shakes head>

But hey, Emperor Joe says that states can’t just defend themselves since HE won’t fulfill his oath of office!

Aren’t you sick and disgusted with this yet?

Biden-Induced Human Misery Captain Obvious

When even a

big-time Democrat apologist rates you a “gentleman’s C-“, understand well that there are major problems.

“Biden” is starting to lose control of the trolley, here. Things are already spinning wildly, and it is likely to only get worse for him.

Maybe the wheels haven’t come off yet, but they are sure wobbly and screetchy!

UPDATE: Scratch that. The wheels are indeed coming off. 54% of democrats don’t want him to run! That’s a majority, Jack!

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Yes, “Biden”

hosed us all down.

And be (painfully) aware: This is NOT just about paying sky-high prices at the pump! Pretty much everything you buy or use was shipped. So a rise in petroleum prices means that virtually ALL commercial products are more expensive!

Already, my wife and I are spending just over $30 to get a burger, chicken nuggets, and drink going through a fast food drive–thru. But that will surely increase! That food was shipped from somewhere! And petroleum was used to transport it.

Plus, there are the employees who made the food, and they need to be paid. And they need to be paid enough to heat their homes, buy food, buy a pair of jeans, and put gas in their cars and come to work. And gas prices keep going up…

So with a rise in gas & diesel costs, the price of our meal will drastically increase. Even more. Everything will increase!

So YOUR life will change. Already we no longer go for Sunday drives because it is just too expensive! What is next?

Welcome to the Biden Pleasure Dome… You’re a long way from home!

Did YOU vote for Biden?

Biden-Induced Human Misery Captain Obvious

You were warned.

Yes, you were warned.

Joe Biden freeing up six million to Hamas-funding Iran was the proximate cause of the attack on Israel. You understand that, right?

And YOU voted for Joe, right? And people are DEAD because of how you voted. You need to own it.

“[One] month ago Trump predicted the $6 Billion that Biden gave Iran would be used for terror attacks across the Middle East and specifically kidnapping,” conservative Jack Posobiec captioned a screenshot of Trump’s prediction on X. “This is exactly what we are seeing in Israel this morning.”

… On TruthSocial, Trump wrote, “Joe Biden’s ineptitude, weakness, and incompetence has led to this horrible attack on Israel, and it will only get worse. Just four years ago we had the signing of the historic Abraham Accords, and today we have an attack on Israel. What a difference a President makes!”

It’s time to wise up and do what is right, folks. C’mon! Understand that what you do can have HUGE consequences.

Biden-Induced Human Misery

Even a RINO like

Eyepatch McCain is noting what a mess “Biden” has made of the economy. Get this bum out of office!

Biden-Induced Human Misery Fighting Back

One word:


And another one:

Vigilanteism (actually self-defense): Brought to you by Democrats. THIS is what happens when you vote for Democrats! Keep it in mind. Decide what kind of world YOU want to live in–what kind of world YOU want to leave to those who come after you…