
Yes, modern

“environmentalism” IS a cult.

In a TedTalk, sociologist Janja Lalich identifies the key elements of a cult: “A cult is a group or movement with a shared commitment to a usually extreme ideology that is usually embodied in a charismatic leader.” Roger preached martyrdom—he pushed everyone to sacrifice more in order to “fill the jails”—and used fear and control as tools for wielding power. I’d often be asked by reporters if XR [Extinction Rebellion] was a cult, and I’d say no. But it was. 

Yeah, it’s a cult, all right. For the slightly less extreme, it’s merely a hardcore religion, complete with charismatic leaders, orthodox doctrine, sins/forgiveness/indulgences, and a very pronounced eschatology.

Finally, I told Andrew Neil the truth: “I’m not here to talk about solutions.”

Yes, cultists never talk about solutions! ONLY about impending doom and the “sins” of others. THAT should clue you in as to what you are dealing with…

And another way you can identify brainwashing in general: Cultists won’t discuss or debate or even defend their ideas to a staunch or well-reasoned “unbeliever.” Interestingly enough, THAT has become the unspoken policy of the Left…

There is the deep-seated Lefty Manichean urge to classify things as either deep black or stark white ONLY. Those who are “saved” certainly won’t honestly debate things and put their ideas at risk with those who are “damned,” right?

They will only preach to the choir. They will only air their thoughts to the “Amen Congregation.” They eschew reason, logic, and science (all “White Privilege Concepts,” remember?). It’s ALL about how you feel.

There is a deep denial of Truth–except theirs, of course (Post-Modernism). They will never step outside of their “circle of safety.” Their beliefs are tightly tied to their foundational sense of superiority, so being wrong is not just a mistake, but an existential threat that must be defended against at all costs.

And THAT’s how you know that they are a very “culty” religion!


Yes, the mask

is coming off the “green” cult.

These are NOT people who think seriously.

Captain Obvious Religion

And this is

how you KNOW that you are dealing with a faith-based, religious belief system, not a rational fact-based one!

Leftism IS a religion!

Lefty Political Philosophy Religion

Tonight is

the night! Let’s see what happens.

Fearing it would contradict their carefully constructed narrative that the riot had been “an insurrection” and “terrorist attack,” Democrats, citing “security concerns,” have managed to withhold this critical footage from the public for over two years.

But it won’t matter to some Democrats who are frankly delusional.

Like the joke of the two medical Interns who were doing a rotation in the ER when a delusional guy came in and said that there was a radio implanted in his head.

The Interns argued that such a thing was impossible. The guy was unimpressed and held tightly to his delusion. Finally, one intern got a bright idea: They would do a head x-ray and prove it!

So they fully explained what an x-ray was to the guy, and he agreed to have one. So he did. As expected, the films came back and showed no radio in his head. The Interns smugly showed the x-ray “proof” to the patient. At which point the patient angrily said:

Who switched those films?

And so it is with ALL delusions.


Well, I’ve long

told you the “Environmentalism” is a religion. Actually, ALL Leftism is, at heart, a religion. This is just a subset of a broader sect.

Current Events Religion

Yeah, pretty

much! Really though, they will just fall for anything that is in line with their pre-conceived beliefs and biases. Many “regular” Democrats are like that, too,

Read it. It’s pretty dang awesome. I hope some day to be able to vote for her on a national level!


If you don’t

understand that this IS a secular religion (complete with a clergy, sins, and Indulgences), you are a fool! Sorry to be so blunt, but it’s really quite obvious.


I have LONG said

That “Global Warming” “Climate Change” and wacky environmentalism IS a religion. And it is.

It is very closely tied to the religion of kooky Leftism, and they are at times impossible to conceptually separate. Really, the religion of wacky environmentalism is a subset of the religion of kooky Leftism. If you have wacky environmentalism, you virtually for sure have kooky Leftism!

It is a pagan, post-Christian sect that tends to very much fly “under-the-radar.” In fact, one may be an official member of (or even a leader of) some other sect and yet the primary loyalty is to kooky Leftism, with its associated sacrament of abortion and an unswerving fealty to wacky environmentalism.

Truth is central to Christianity. Sometimes it’s hard to find. But there’s definitely a Christian duty to search for it and avoid gullibly falling into line with fashion, whether that takes the form of subversively redefining marriage or of swallowing the codswallop of catastrophic climate change. 


Have I not been

telling you over and over that modern environmentalism IS a religion? A pagan one to be sure, but one complete with saints, prophets, sins, confession, and indulgences.

So yes, of course it is a religion! It is certainly not science!

The political opinion that humans cause most or all climate change and the claim that so-called science behind this notion is ‘settled’ may have just met its Waterloo at the hands of 1200 scientists and professionals worldwide. They are led by Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever, Daily Skeptic reports

Captain Obvious Religion

For those of us

beholden to facts, we are NOT impressed.

But here is the arguments that I have heard from those attached to “green” energy:

Sure, it sucks right now, but technological progress is being made and by subsidizing it now you spur people to invent things that actually work!

So you just gotta have faith that paradise is on its way! And you thought that “green” was not a religion…