DUH! Evil

It’s pretty

dang obvious: Biden is FAR more of a threat to Democracy than Trump. DUH!

Bidenomics DUH!

Well yeah.

It’s not COVID. It is “Bidenomics.” DUH!

… “we’re going to find out that what happened as a consequence of the crisis we had on health is going to have a lasting effect. We’ve just got to get people to move again. We’re ready. I think the country’s ready to come together…I’m truly optimistic.”

You’re stupid and dishonest, Joe!

DUH! Education

People are just

desperate for good alternatives to public schools. Indeed, it is often (though not always) parental malpractice to send kids to our “woke” public schools.

So people are trying a variety of things, including homeschool, charter schools, private school, pods, and now micro-schools. Anything to escape the woke hell of the typical public school.

Here’s how we fix things almost immediately: All school funding is attached to the student, not to the school district. So if the public school loses a student, they lose the money attached to that student.

Problems solved! You will be amazed at how fast public schools improve…



it is! Like it’s a shock that Biden and his crew are lying. That is nothing new…

People aren’t upset about economic conditions because of undefined “vibes” after all. It turns out that increasing the cost of borrowing increases the cost of living, and if that isn’t measured as part of inflation (it used to be), then the statistics simply miss out on vital data and mislead. It doesn’t even take juking the numbers to come up with an entirely misleading picture; you don’t see what you don’t measure. 

Oh, and this is from a HUGE Democrat…

DUH! Psychopathology

Yeah, and in

other news, water is wet!

OF COURSE the “woke” are chronically miserable!

Now, out of Finland, we have an actual scientific study confirming, that the “woke” people surveyed were measurably more unhappy, anxious, and depressed.

DUH! Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Yeah, more

MSM hoax.

Honestly, haven’t you figured out that the MSM lies to you? Here’s the deal: Trump is beating Biden in the polls like the proverbial red-headed stepchild, so the MSM nannies hitch up their hoop skirts and jump in with lies in order to save their boyfriend…

It is SOOO obvious!

You know, THIS kind of crap is why people are so angry and TOTALLY distrust the MSM. The MSM have proven themselves to be mere dishonest, boot-licking toadies.



of states have gone this way. Only the rigid, fringy dead-enders are still intellectually stuck in 1973!



Isn’t that interesting!

“As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Crystal Carson, director of communications for the former first lady’s office, said. “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign.”

OK, so now what? Again, I think it is overwhelmingly likely that Democrats just keep whipping the dying Biden/Harris nag. They really don’t have much choice.

I think it would be a total disaster for Ms. Obama if she ran. She already has unlimited fame and money. Why on earth would she run? She certainly doesn’t want the job or the work that it requires, and it’s not like it would make her noticeably (to her) richer.

It could ONLY “dirty her up.” And she has no huge desire for it, anyway.

Oh, and by the way, did I mention that Biden will never debate Trump? Biden is WAAAAAY too senile for that! Mark my words, it won’t happen…

DUH! Election Fraud

But don’t worry,

there WAS no election fraud in Georgia!

"Green" religion DUH!

What, you’re

just now figuring that out?

Today’s climate activists resemble nothing so much as a religious movement, with carbon the new devil’s spawn.

No crap, Sherlock!

Oh, and “carbon offsets” as the new paid-for “indulgences.” And Al Gore as the Pope of Global Warming! And …

Yeah, it’s really culty.

I thought even particularly stupid people knew THAT! Yeah, and water is wet! It’s not exactly a new thing.