Media Flying Monkeys

Wow, Trump is

powerful! He brutally caused an airplane to flip over upon landing! Well, according to the lapdog MSM…

Well, either Trump or free speech:


Well now,

what do you know? Conservatives were entirely correct about homeschooling. And here are some receipts.

One key finding was that homeschooled adults exhibited better mental health than their non-homeschooled peers amid the nation’s ongoing mental health crisis affecting teens and young adults.

The report found that long-term homeschoolers had the highest levels of optimism, gratitude, and life satisfaction. They were also the least likely to “feel helpless dealing with life’s problems” or report depression and anxiety symptoms.

… Long-term homeschoolers were also more likely to be married, have more children on average, and had the lowest divorce rates.

… Likely, their decision to take care of their children instead of pursuing a career resulted in better mental health outcomes for themselves and their children. No amount of financial success can substitute for good mental health and a nice family when the “achievers” live in a perpetual state of mental anguish, anxiety, helplessness, and silent desperation.

Parents, decide what you want for your kids and what is the most likely way for that to happen.

Current Events

Yes, it’s time to

get serious!

The Trump administration fired thousands of workers across several government agencies after the deadline for employees to accept a buyout had passed.

Folks, you could’ve taken the buyout that was offered. But you didn’t, and that was really very foolish. Oh I’m sure that you will collectively file suit, but I’m not sure how you could win. Trump is the chief executive.

Whether you like it or not, Trump is in charge. And he is an executive and can fire people under him. They chose… Poorly.

The cuts are in addition to the terminations of more than 1,000 employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs, firings at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and layoffs at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

Current Events

And honestly,

who wouldn’t want to flee free speech?

Europe is getting less and less free, and more and more despotic. We are coming to a line of demarkation where they are not really even friends and allies anymore

And that is really too bad–friends are good. But that is exactly what Leftism does. It makes people destroy old friendships and alliances. It happens on a country level, but it also happens on the personal level. Whether it is children throwing their parents under the bus or adult people throwing their erstwhile friends under the bus, it is all part and parcel of the very same Lefty impulse. It IS Leftism. It is one of the ways it leads to human misery and estrangement and being isolated from others.

Election Integrity

Yes, Democrats are

hemorrhaging voters. “Funny” that when voter rolls are counted fairly, Democrats are hit. Hard.

In other words, Democrats are losing registered voters at almost three times the rate as Republicans, further decreasing the edge that Democrats currently hold with respect to nationwide voter registration.

No wonder Democrats HATE election integrity with the white-hot heat of a thousand suns! I mean, if votes were counted fairly, they would be just a rump of a political party! Maybe they would keep HI, CA, IL, and NY, but not much else!

Pruser noted that “voter roll maintenance” in Oklahoma, Massachusetts, and North Carolina “primarily dragged party totals downward in January,” predicting that “each state’s clean-up timeline will continue to skew net changes.”

… In the case of the Democrats, they seem to care way more about pronoun usage and tampons in men’s bathrooms than the unemployed factory worker in Michigan or the border town resident in Arizona.

Lefty Political Philosophy

You hate Trump.

OK, I gotcha. I think it is more than a bit irrational, but I understand your position.

But you know, facts are stubborn things. You be you. But Trump is right, and the majority of people agree with him. You can go ahead and be as foam-flecked as you want, fine. But the truth of the matter IS that Trump is right and YOU are wrong.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings. But I will tell you to lose your overweening narcissism and fragile sense of self and face it. Grow up.

Current Events

There is a reason

why Democrats are being so profane. They need to show their bona fides. And this is how they do it.

The rise of rage rhetoric is a measure of how politicians are now surrendering to the most extreme voices in their party. It is a matter of simple survival. These politicians believe that they cannot stay in office if they allow anyone to move to the left of their positions. To maintain their power, they are willing to join the mob before it turns on them.

The profanity is a way to demonstrate tribal affiliation. And therefore, if anything it will increase on the Left. And the coarsening of society is really a bad sign. But they have to display their team membership, so the profanity will increase.

Evil Clown MSM Toadies Stooooopid!

In all honesty,

Margaret Brennan is dumber than a box of rocks.

Brennan combines ignorance, stupidity, malice, and condescension in a lethal mix to which conservatives have grown accustomed. The corporate press is saturated with it. Let us call it the Brennan Syndrome.

Change Lefty Political Philosophy

The harsh truth

that Democrats need to face now is that the Democrat Party has shifted so far to the kooky Left that normal men and women naturally recoil in horror from them! Normal people just roll back their eyes and rear like a spooked stallion when confronted with the Democrat aims and policies.

The Democrat party has become the party of deviants and thieves. No normal person wants to be associated with drag queens and the murder of infants and all sorts of sexual and other deviance! For some people, morality is still important. And those people do not usually identify as Democrats.

When we look at the polls, on issues that are important to people, they all are Republican positions, positions that are far more in line with the most people. It’s not even scientifically arguable. Look at the polls, for heaven’s sake!

It used to be that one could be a Democrat and still have some moral fiber. Indeed, there were “blue dog” Democrats who were very much conservative in terms of fiscal policy, and did not buy into libertine social practices, either. In fact, that’s exactly how Bill Clinton got elected in the first place.

But there are no more blue dogs. Democrats have been unwilling to even have them be associated with the party. So they cast them out. Anyone who was a “blue dog” is now a Republican!

Where have you gone, Patrick Moynahan?

The problem is that I don’t think the Democrats are gonna change anytime soon. They need to hit “rock bottom” in order to be ready to change. And again, I think it’ll take at least two more electoral defeats for them to really hit rock bottom and be ready to change. But as of right now, they are not ready to take Step One of change.

And until they are, nothing will happen. They are stuck. Oh sure, there might be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, but it is all the sorrowing of the damned–it is not at all geared towards actual change. It is just anger at not getting what they want while not changing who they are. And any movement (without first hitting rock bottom) that kinda looks like change is merely a façade, a three-card Monty ruse.

Buffoons Captain Obvious Evil Clown Stooooopid!

Well, there’s absolutely

NO reason to have any respect for the MSM. Margaret Brennan is as dumb and ignorant as a sack of hair. And she is very much representative of the MSM in general.

These folks are just hostile to free speech. So WE have to be willing and able to fight back with facts and logic! Education has never been both more important and more dependent on self-learning!