an idiot. What a fool!
Why haven’t you seen him on TV? Because he is a total idiot. Paired with a moron for the election, to attract other low-IQ people!
an idiot. What a fool!
Why haven’t you seen him on TV? Because he is a total idiot. Paired with a moron for the election, to attract other low-IQ people!
They really don’t care about Americans! There’s not the same opportunity for graft…
a little different in BIG10 country!
Because if none of those things happen, absolutely nothing will change.
that’s pretty dang nice!
I’m glad somebody did it, since the Biden/Harris numbskulls/moral midgets wouldn’t! Good thing SOMEONE has a little spine. Thank you, Israel.
It tells you in no uncertain terms that Democrats want election fraud, and will fight against any effort to clean things up.
Just think about THAT. And then think about what YOU support. Democrats support voter fraud. It is undeniable. So, what about YOU? Where do YOU stand. And can you morally justify your stance?
has been a HUGE disappointment!
Here is a guy who was absolutely brutalized by the Left. They attacked everything he reportedly holds dear. It was ruthless!
And yet, Romney pulled his punches and insisted on being a “noble loser,” snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory (though I think in reality not noble at all—just a loser). Then he cowered and turned over and begged for a pat on the tummy from his tormentors.
They repeatedly beat him. And he repeatedly put his tail between his legs and submissively licked the hand that beat him. It was just appalling!
And it was the breathtaking spectacle of a lickspittle Romney collapse of principle and nerve that led directly to Trump. Indeed, if there had been no cowering Mitt Romney, there would have been no Trump. Romney is the reason Trump initially threw his hat in the ring! So I guess we can give him credit for THAT unintended consequence.
Romney’s craven suck-up act was sickening to most of us, and was just too much for Trump to take. So Trump ran, and a person who would actually stand up and fight for what was right was unusual–and refreshing to regular voters. The rest, as they say, is history…
Harris’s party operatives with bylines compared him [Romney] to Hitler, said he gave employees cancer, a sexist because he had “binders full of women,” and that he was needlessly cruel to his dog, in between screaming to him, “What about your gaffes??!!”, and joking about his “magic underwear.” Her boss shouted that he was a racist who would put black people “back in chains.”
But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sister.
Mitt Romney was weighed in the balances and found wanting…
Folks, it’s dang obvious that this is all a huge scam!
a cognitive MESS! Holy crap! Could she really be this stupid?
I think she is just vacuous–an empty vessel. And her cognitive abilities are quite limited. There is blind ambition, yes, but really nothing else. So when she speaks it is simultaneously pompous and intellectually empty.
She can’t stand for a position, because her ONLY underlying position is self-indulgence. And that is just not a good look, and for PR reasons has to be hidden.
So what comes out are empty platitudes and non-sequiturs at best. And policies the vaguer the better. Also we see the MASSIVE turnover in staff once they realize that she is so ambitious and yet so cognitively limited. See, these limitations cause her to lash out at “her” people when she is frustrated.
No wonder her handlers are so desperate to hide her! She is a simpleton who is way out of her depth. The vagueness and the word salads and the lashing out are all a result of her cognitive limitations.