Anger Current Events

Big Democrat

donors are really not happy, which is a major problem for the party.

Donors are rejecting the stumbling Democratic Party as they see nothing worth supporting in the weeks since President Donald Trump’s triumphant return to the White House.

… “They want us to spend money and for what? For no message, no organization, no forward thinking,” the donor said. “The thing that’s clear to a lot of us is that the party never really learned its lesson in 2016. They worked off the same playbook and the same ineffective strategies and to what end?”

See, the problem is that the only platform the Democrats ever had was to hate on Donald Trump. But that train is coming to the end of the track. It’s merely a tactic, not a strategy. So what next?

They can just switch and hate on JD Vance now, but you gotta admit that would be pretty pathetic. That’s just lame. I mean, is there anything else?

Democrats may find themselves in a very new position for them: Having to logically defend their policies. Democrats have not done that in so long that rational argument has become somewhat of a vestigial tail for them.

Anger Corruption

I’m kind of kind of

shocked at the white-hot anger I am seeing about Democrat corruption and payola. Well, not shocked about the anger, but shocked that it is both coming out and that it is WAY deeper and pervasive than even most extreme “conspiracy theorist” said.

I mean, who would have thought that they were right, but just not extreme enough? Even Christianity Today?

I think many Democrats are whistling past the graveyard on the HUGE payola coming out and the widespread anger about it. The anger is palpable. It’s like a dam has collapsed and all the fetid water is rushing out!

And people are also really mad about the men-in-women’s sports (and locker room) crap. And DEI is rapidly becoming a curse word.

As if journalism can take another hit:

Lefties, you DO realize that you have been repeatedly duped, right? If I were you I would be none too happy about it…

Anger Change

And I think

that is fundamentally the truth. Regular Americans are sick and tired of being taken advantage of!

I think there are VERY few who want contentious relations with Canada. But they need to stop taking advantage of us! We just want a good neighbor, and Canada has not been living up to that!

But SOME companies are getting themselves right! And this certainly won’t be the last thing like this that you will see!

Anger Humor


is hilarious. Always a good read. He does “snarky anger” very well.

The problem with the Left is that they have lived in their fetid fever swamps for so long and just talk only to the already converted that they no longer can read the room, let alone make a logically persuasive argument. So they don laughably lame-o “pussy hats” and otherwise show that they are blithering idiots, all the while feeling smugly self-righteous and horrifically smarter-than-thou.

No wonder Kamala lost in a landslide!

Anger Wisdom

Go ahead.

Shut ‘er down!

Republican congresscritters, pay attention, here! YOU are at risk! I don’t think you understand the level of anger, here…

GOP House leadership negotiated what appears to be a lousy continuing resolution with the Democrats. It is 1,500 pages long and dropped with barely enough time for legislators to review it, which should alone be reason to vote No. What is the worst that could happen? A “government shutdown,” in which the government unfortunately does not shut down. I would welcome that outcome.

Enter DOGE, in the form of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Musk has urged Congressmen to vote No, and said on Twitter that anyone who votes for this resolution should not be re-elected in 2026. 

Republicans, don’t betray the voters! You won’t like how this ends…

Anger Disgusting!

I don’t think

the “deep state” has learned their lesson yet. They don’t understand that MOST people are quite angry about what they have done. So they go about laying “land mines” for Trump and trying to thwart the will of the American people!

Disgusting! Maybe two terms of Vance after Trump will bring them some sanity.

Anger Fighting Back Illegal Immigration

Again, we were

“nice” last time. and YOU Leftists abused us for it. OK, time for new tactics!


RINO Senators

need to be a bit careful! They need to know that we the people have had enough of their crap!

When we were the “Tea Party” we were nice. And look what the Left did to us. The Right is far less disposed to be “nice” this time…

Anger Change

Yes, yes

it does feel like that.

My fear is that swampy creatures like The Murder Turtle (AKA Mitch McConnell) will be successful in preventing real change.

I am cautiously optimistic. I think that the mass of people just won’t tolerate “crap as usual.”

Anger Change

Yes, Trump

needs to be able to get his appointments through. No more backstabbing RINO crap, OK? They slow-walked things before, and basically “outed” themselves as turds. I mean, just whose side are they on?

“Any Republican Senator seeking the coveted LEADERSHIP position in the United States Senate must agree to Recess Appointments (in the Senate!), without which we will not be able to get people confirmed in a timely manner,” President-elect Trump declared in a post on X. “Sometimes the votes can take two years, or more. This is what they did four years ago, and we cannot let it happen again. We need positions filled IMMEDIATELY!”