Election Integrity

Trump is calling

for paper ballots and secure voting…

It’s really quite simple: Democrats hate vote security, and they hate being able to re-count actual votes (not voter fraud machines’ outputs) for ONE reason only–because it greatly discourages cheating, and they are ALL about cheating!

Now here’s the jackpot question: Without voter fraud, would Democrats be any more than an insignificant electoral rump?

Election Integrity

Yes, Democrats are

hemorrhaging voters. “Funny” that when voter rolls are counted fairly, Democrats are hit. Hard.

In other words, Democrats are losing registered voters at almost three times the rate as Republicans, further decreasing the edge that Democrats currently hold with respect to nationwide voter registration.

No wonder Democrats HATE election integrity with the white-hot heat of a thousand suns! I mean, if votes were counted fairly, they would be just a rump of a political party! Maybe they would keep HI, CA, IL, and NY, but not much else!

Pruser noted that “voter roll maintenance” in Oklahoma, Massachusetts, and North Carolina “primarily dragged party totals downward in January,” predicting that “each state’s clean-up timeline will continue to skew net changes.”

… In the case of the Democrats, they seem to care way more about pronoun usage and tampons in men’s bathrooms than the unemployed factory worker in Michigan or the border town resident in Arizona.

Election Integrity Voter Fraud

Well, yes.

But Democrats HATE it! Care to hazard a guess as to why? Think of the most crass, self-serving reason, and you won’t be far wrong…

ID is required in virtually every other nation as a requirement to vote at all. But not here. That is because of the Democrats! When you see someone who is against vote security, you can bet your last dollar safely that it is a Democrat. Dirtbags…

If it facilitates vote security, Democrats are against it. That is pretty much an iron rule. And there’s no need to wonder why.

Election Integrity

You know why

Democrats fight so hard against voter ID? THIS is why!

Paper ballots. Purple fingers.Voter ID. C’mon!

Election Integrity

Boy, I sure hope

this happens!

Election Integrity Immorality

Man, I sure

hope that is true. And so does everyone who values free and fair elections.

Don’t like it? Then check your morality!

Election Integrity Immorality

Yes, it is

a HUGE win!

Isn’t it a tipoff to you that it is always Democrats and never Republicans who fight against election integrity? THAT should tell you something…

Check yourself!

Election Integrity

Yes, it is

a really crappy idea. Like all coercive Leftism, ranked choice cloaks itself in high-minded rhetoric. But it actually is just a way for Leftists to get a second bite at the apple.

Where I live, it was bundled with the idea of an open primary. But of course the proponents never talked about the ranked choice, only about the open primary! And no wonder.

In other words, they linked to an issue they thought might pass. THEN it would be too late when people figured out they were snookered!

THAT is how Leftism works. It thrives through deception and dishonesty. I’m glad that voters in my state saw through the ruse!

Ranked-choice voting and open primaries are two bad ideas whose time has most assuredly not come. Both ideas were on the ballots of several states this election year, and despite proponents of both bad ideas literally pouring bushel baskets of cash into their campaigns to get these things passed, they failed – almost everywhere.

Understand well, the Left REALLY doesn’t want election integrity. Absolutely nothing they endorse furthers that. And that should be a flashing red light for you!

Captain Obvious Election Integrity

You think voter ID

make no difference? Don’t be a fool!

Election Integrity

Don’t you find it

even a little suspicious that Harris won the states with no voter photo ID?

The red-and-blue election state-by-state map on Thursday’s “Carl Higbie FRONTLINE” noted nearly all of the states that chose Vice President Kamala Harris were ones that have no voter ID on the books.

“Funny” how the states that don’t require photo ID to vote went for Kamala. eh?


The real question is whether more than a handful+ of states would go Democrat if there were decent election security. I mean, I would expect NY, CA, IL, MA, and HI would go Democrat no matter what. OR and WA, probably, as well. And maybe some New England states would. But is there anyone else? Maryland?