Corruption Dishonesty Injustice

Yeah, I wonder

if this is a bit of a turning point.

“This is the absolute worst outcome for the Biden White House. The plea deal, which they have been sort of suggesting that this was going to bring it all to conclusion, has blown up,” Rove said. “It’s going to make people, more people, look at it and say it was a special deal cut for the son of the president of the United States, and, particularly, the overreach of his attorneys asking for broad immunity on future potential charges is going to be a sticking point as well.”

Plus, his attorneys calling and impersonating someone else to get evidence removed from the docket! That’s not scaly or nothin’!

I guess we will see.

Barbaric! Dishonesty

Are you watching?


Really now!

You don’t say!

Captain Obvious Dishonesty

The world’s

shortest book.

Cover-up! Dishonesty

The Sgt. Shultz

defense: “I know nnnothink!”

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed that he doesn’t know how many assets his agency had on the ground on January 6—or whether there were any at all.

Wray’s a liar.

When this many pieces of the puzzle refuse to fit together for this long, “it smells like a cover-up.”

And yes, yes it does


Kennedy is

a gem.

It’s clear to anyone who is paying attention that the Biden administration is actively trying to cover up the truth regarding the cocaine that was found in the White House. Not only has the story as to where the cocaine was found changed multiple times, but the administration also curiously refuses to explicitly deny that the cocaine belonged to a Biden family member and hasn’t committed to fully prosecuting the responsible party. Meanwhile, the White House is aggressively setting expectations really low as to whether the culprit will ever be found and blasting the media for questioning whether the cocaine may have belonged to a Biden family member (otherwise known as Hunter Biden.)

… it is unlikely that anyone other than a member of the First or Second Family would be able to get cocaine into the White House, because, as former secret service agent Dan Bongino noted, family members bypass the security checkpoints that other visitors must go through.

Dishonesty Incompetence

Well, a man in

his doddering condition needs a lot of rest!

If YOU took vacation for 40% of YOUR work time, do you think you might be fired?

He’s scabbing off us!

Captain Obvious Dishonesty

Look, it was

NOT from the public. It was from Hunter. Joe (we are legion) is hiding that fact because it is a violation of the plea agreement. It would nullify the plea bargain and put Hunter in prison.

THAT is a huge part of why the White House is lying about this. Hopefully this will help get to the bottom of this.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., is calling on the head of the U.S. Secret Service to give Congress more information about the bag of cocaine found inside the White House in recent days.

Look at the progression:

Despicable Dishonesty


it was Hunter. DUH!

I mean, how uneducated can you be? Do they think we are slack-jawed hayseeds?

Well, probably. But we’re not! And their story keeps changing!

But just like the Supreme Court leaker, Leftists will never allow the truth to be admitted in public!

“Biden,” I don’t believe you. Now the story has materially changed THREE times! Please, I’m not fooled!

Cover-up! Dishonesty

Oh yeah,

the White House knows very well who the cocaine belonged to. So do YOU! That is the most likely scenario.

If this could be convincingly pinned on someone else, that would already have happened. The fact that they are still saying, “We don’t know whose it is!” means one thing and one thing only–It is virtually for sure Hunter’s.