Fighting Back


hope that happens! What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, eh?

It’s time we get serious! Some people just can’t learn without touching the hot stove themselves. So, lesson one…

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis raised the possibility of banning Biden after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled former President Donald Trump ineligible to hold office. While neither Patrick nor DeSantis appeared to seriously consider removing Biden from the ballot, they both said it was possible under the reasoning used by the Colorado high court.

Make it so! Doing so forces the Supreme Court to put a stop to this foam-flecked nuttiness. Do it!

Fighting Back

Go Elon!

Lots of us are behind you.

Greg Gutfeld came to Musk’s defense on his show on Friday night. He joked that trying to blackmail the world’s richest man with money was “like trying to extort Jerry Nadler with salad,” showing a picture of the rotund Nadler. “Or blackmailing sports fans by threatening to cancel PBS.”

And it’s a brave thing Gutfeld did. Fox is his employer, after all.

“Fact is, Musk may be the last man standing between real freedom of speech and the suffocating block of the censorship industrial complex which is made up of government, media, and tech forces. He realizes that advertisers have no spine and can be easily cowed by special interest groups in cahoots with political allies.”

That’s when the dropped a bomb, “If you don’t believe me, I have two words for you: Tucker Carlson.”

I’m not saying that Gutfeld and Musk are perfect. I’m saying it is nice to have people who are not coercive Lefty lackeys speak out.

May many others follow their lead…

Fighting Back

Elon kicks

him some butt. And good for him! May this continue…

Fighting Back


Punch back twice as hard! You sure you want to play this game, Democrats?

Fighting Back

Sounds great!

Fighting Back

Something we

need here in the United States!

Go man, go!

Fighting Back Humor

The incisive quip

machine keeps rolling! Kennedy has quickly become my favorite Senator because of these brutal ripostes!

… but I can read a poll and the American people have concluded that President Biden is old and he needs soup and an early bedtime and they have concluded that Vice President Harris is not capable, that when her IQ gets to 75, she should sell.”

Zzzzing! I salute you, sir!

Fighting Back

The new President

of Argentina is freakin’ AWESOME!

Evil Fighting Back

The crap finally

hits the fan!

Nancy Pelosi, all these people languished in jail because YOU made them political prisoners. Why did you do that?

And former Speaker McCarthy, YOU could have released the footage last year and you didn’t! Just why? Thank Heaven you’re gone. You are NOT a good person!

I think we owe Matt Gaetz a HUGE debt of gratitude for triggering the fight that got rid of McCarthy! Pelosi and McCarthy should be held personally liable! Your immunity is qualified. Once you act in malice and knowingly violate peoples’ Constitutional rights, you no longer qualify for immunity!

Fighting Back

Yes, regular people

have just about had enough!

On May 18, Lakeridge High School Principal Desiree Fisher sent an email to the school community about a tampon dispenser that was repeatedly removed from the boy’s bathroom wall and dunked into a nearby toilet.

You go, boys!