
So are we seeing a slow

backing away from electric vehicles? Probably.

Hey, the “torquiness” is really quite cool in an electric car. And it might be luxurious. But let’s face it, the rest of it just SUCKS! It may be a “niche” car that drives 10 miles a day to and from the office in a warm climate. And it night be very good for that. But that is really all it is good for…

It might work great for such use in sunny Southern California. But in North Dakota? Not really. Such cars are much too finicky and fragile, too much of a “one hit wonder” for THAT.

So yeah, it might be a good “niche” car. But no more than that. Still, if that is all you need…


Yep, things

are happening! And you can bet that they will keep happening.

That’s why it is just too dangerous to have a senile old idiot for a President. WISE people did not vote for him…


Yes, it really IS

quite clear, now!

“Turned out he was right,” Palihapitiya said. “When are we going to stop shooting ourselves in the foot? When are we going to actually take the time to look past who was saying things and actually listen to them word for word?”

… I’ll give you an example. I started to tweet three links a day over the past three days, and the only reason I did that is I started to think things were so hyper-contentious and hyper-partisan that I just wanted to show a few sides. One day I found a couple of links, one of which was from Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL, you I thought have a very powerful message. And one was from Mike Flynn. His message was also pretty powerful if you just read it. If you took the names off, all the content was so valuable. Both points of view, but the minute it goes into the world people immediately judge and they kill the message because of the messenger. And this is exactly a moment when you have an opportunity to stop doing that because the stakes are so high.

If you have eyes, open them!

Justice Wisdom

I would advise

that you don’t mess with Texas.

Look, if Federal authorities won’t enforce the law, states will have to. Because what we DON’T want here is vigilanteism!

Current Events Wisdom

Yep, the Israelis

are putting the screws to the terrorists!

Gun Control Wisdom

It just makes

NO sense at all to prevent law-abiding Israelis from having firearms to protect themselves! None at all. I mean, a radicalized Palestinian who wants to shoot Jews has NO problem getting a gun. It’s not like this policy is protecting anyone.

The Jewish people should know better, given what they have gone through. Just think, how might the Holocaust have been different if, say, 10% of Jews had been armed?

As the 2023 Israel-Hamas war continued into its third day, and with the widely distributed and traumatic images of Hamas terrorists operating freely inside Israel fresh in their minds, some citizens began campaigns for a loosening of Israel’s gun ownership laws, to allow more residents to bear personal arms.

… “People are changing their opinion, and now there is more awareness,” he told The Times of Israel. It doesn’t make sense, he said, that someone in Tel Aviv cannot get a pistol, but someone in the Golan can. “There are terror attacks in both places,” he stressed.

You know, it’s not helping anyone.

“Who has a gun? The terrorists, and all the criminals. Who doesn’t? Law-abiding tax-payers. The government trusts criminals with guns more than their own civilians,” Yoel Israel, CEO of a digital marketing agency, told The Times of Israel.


Hamas needs to

be careful. Yes, they are immoral scumbags. But if they kill Americans, THAT is a casus belli.

I know “Joe Biden” has no intention of defending Americans. Still, the price WILL eventually come due. If you continually poke the tiger, don’t be shocked when you get the claws…

UPDATE: Yep! OK, so now what will “Biden” do?

UPDATE II: It looks like Biden’s perfidy will prevail, making the world far more dangerous for ALL Americans! Good job, Joe. Good job…


Well yeah,

there HAVE been a few tradeoffs. But it’s worth it, right?



important lesson to learn: ALWAYS record. Always. Of course, in accordance with your local laws.

If this incident were not recorded, we really wouldn’t have known what exactly happened. It would have devolved into a he-said, she-said issue, the school hiding behind the usual “We don’t comment on student matters” policy.

Current Events Wisdom

I sure wish

we were more like Sweden. Don’t you?

“It seems likely that Sweden did much better than other countries in terms of the economy, education, mental health, and domestic abuse, and still came away from the pandemic with fewer excess deaths than in almost any other European country, and less than half that of the United States.”

… Swedish students suffered no learning loss during the pandemic, whereas half of U.S. students did. The country’s economic growth outperformed the eurozone and the United States. It avoided other countries’ increased suicide rates and deteriorated mental health.