Current Events

Well, the evil people

should not panic too much. Their voter fraud shenanigans will likely keep them in power…

I really hope not, but I am wary. I want to think that enough people will stand up against Democrat voter fraud. But I don’t know. Help thou mine unbelief, so to speak.

Economy Evil Clown

Pretty dang good

reason to vote Trump, eh? By the time you see this, the country will officially be in a recession. The Biden recession.

BTW, Manchin appears to have caved. Things were always going to get worse. Now they are going to get much worse. Are these guys just stupid? Or is it WORSE than that? I prefer to believe that it is just garden-variety stupidity…

Current Events

Lesson one:

NEVER trust Joe Manchin.

Never. Maybe you think Manchin is a “tame” werewolf, but you would be wrong. He looks Conservative at times, but only because at night a candle’s brighter than the sun. The truth is that he will eventually turn and rend you. It is the nature of the beast…

The only voting populace who has been more grievously snookered than the good people of West Virginia is the good people of Utah with Mitt Romney! At least those in West Virginia knew they were electing a Democrat. Those in Utah thought they were electing a Republican! But, of course, they weren’t. They just naïvely expected that Romney would tell them the truth. But no. He is a con-man, a charlatan, a 3-card Monty scammer.

As John Cooper of the Heritage Foundation tweets, “Screwing over your own state is a rare feat, but boy is [Manchin] about to do it.

Yeah, but not just his state. ALL of us!

UPDATE: He may indeed have turned to the dark side. But there is another

I do want to avoid false hope, but we can hope that she is made of sterner stuff than Manchin. Well, it’s a hope…


Yeah, pretty much…

Biden-induced misery Incompetence

It is indeed


According to recent polling from Quinnipiac University, President Joe Biden has plummeted to an abysmal 19 percent approval rating among Hispanic voters. 

… “One and a half years since President Joe Biden took office, Americans give President Biden a negative 31 – 60 percent job approval rating, the lowest score of his presidency,” the results show. 

If you are STILL a Biden supporter, you are in a very, uh, exclusive group…

Biden Recession

Quit trying to LIE,

Democrats! This is a recession.

Election Fraud

So please explain,

Lefties: Why would anyone be against voter ID?

It’s just hard to imagine reasoning that is NOT based in voter fraud and/or gross ignorance. But maybe there is an argument and I just have never heard it.

So maybe you can help me out and explain it, here?

Biden Recession

Yeah, but “technical”

is a HUGE Biden weasel word. Folks, we are in the Biden-caused recession. Quit trying to weasel out of it! <sheesh!>

“Technical?” Really?

Welcome to the pleasure dome…

Biden Recession

It’s bad.

Captain Obvious Dishonesty

Look, it’s REALLY

quite clear that Fauci is a damned liar!