Civil Rights


We have civil rights, you know.

And the spittle-lipped despotism of the Left doesn’t change that one bit.

A Texas judge has struck down a recent state law that prohibits adult civilians between the ages of 18 and 20 from carrying a handgun, claiming that such a law is unconstitutional.


The “uh-oh”

heard ’round the world

Hispanics are starting to have had enough! And the “Biden” aim to have them work to pay others’ student loans is naturally going over like a lead balloon!

Are we seeing a shift? The shift in the Hispanic vote is unmistakeable. But is that the only shift? I think all sorts of blue-collar workers are getting mighty restless!

Buffoons Civil Rights

Friendly fire,


On Thursday, President Joe Biden spoke in Maryland in support of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore. In doing so, however, he may have consigned three House Democrats to defeat.

Evil Fighting Back

When you look unflinchingly

at the “Biden” student debt payola scandal, one thing is quite clear:

He is trying to buy off potential voters. That’s ALL this is–a frantic attempt to escape the impending electoral doom.

It won’t work, you know.

People rightly bristle at the gross unfairness of this. Even now, legal challenges are mounting. Those who are not “on the take” want nothing to do with this sticky mess! Of course, there is more than one way to be “on the take…” It’s NOT just financial!


So, is it an

emergency or not? Because logically, it can’t be one way when it suits you and another when it doesn’t!

The president must answer: Are we still in a pandemic or not? Are we still in a public health crisis, the one he’s using to justify unilateral abuse of power, or has he shut down the virus, moved the country to the road of economic recovery, and created historic progress? The administration has moved the goalposts on what a recession is, and now, its leaders are moving the goalposts again with the COVID emergency-to-non-emergency switch to satisfy a voting block heading into the midterm elections.

Current Events Sociopathy

Yeah, not a good

place to work if you are burdened with a soul. Sociopaths ONLY!

One report deemed her [Kamala] as a “common denominator,” claiming that she ran a “soul-destroying” management. 

… “It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work… with Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully, and it’s not really clear why,” the staffer claimed.

Bad Faith

Understand that

Satan never supports his own. If Manchin thought Democrats were going to support him “in the morning,” he is a TOTAL fool. No, they got what they wanted. And now he can be discarded like a used Kleenex–he was just a booger bank, and they don’t need him anymore.

Let this be a warning to other kinda reasonable lawmakers who might be tempted to side with Democrats. Your capitulation will NOT bring about your desired results! Go a-whoring and this is what usually happens! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…

Current Events


Pretty hard to believe. I have NO expectation that Oregon will elect the Republican, here. Hope, but zero expectation…

Current Events Justice

Oh, THAT would

be a huge win for Trump if that actually happens! HEE-YOOJ!

Culture Justice

I am NOT at all

a fan of vigilantism. But Leftists need to be careful, because it appears that they are stoking the vigilante fires.

ALWAYS remember, police are not there mainly to solve crime (though they might well do that at times, it is often investigators who actually do it). They are there to protect the due process rights of accused people. And I totally approve of that.

But let’s not pretend that the vigilante spirit is not strongly a part of the American culture, from Death Wish to most other good pieces of entertainment. Even in Harry Potter the issue was, “Oh, I’m going to take this dirtbag out!” And there was no trial…

Sure, Rowling pooped the bed at the last and made Harry a neutered, house-broken, tame “werewolf,” but he was a werewolf through 99.9% of the series… (Yes, I’m still pretty sore about her gross unfaithfulness to the character in the service of her own petty beliefs)