Current Events

I just don’t

think McCarthy has the votes. I doubt he will ever be Speaker. I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. The conservative elements are probably not going to just break down and finally vote for another RINO.

Maybe McCarthy cuts a deal with Democrats [shudder] to become Speaker. Yeah, THAT would be true-to-form for a RINO…

And him moving his crap into the Speaker’s office is an affront to decency! It just reeks of entitlement and overweening self-regard. What a faux pas!

So, for the good of the country, McCarthy needs to step away and declare that he is NOT a candidate. Yes, it would be very hard for him to get the movers back out. But at the end of the day, it’s just not about him. Kevin, it’s over. And you lost.

He could have met with Freedom Caucus members before and agreed to what they wanted, which was really not all that much. But he didn’t. But he took the snooty RINO path instead. Now he is frantically promising to lower the requirements to “vacate the chair” as a sop to actual Conservatives.

I don’t think it will work. Maybe, but Conservatives have been shysted too many times by RINOs (like Mitt Romney, Boehner, Ryan, etc.) to buy THAT cat in a bag again! And what McCarthy lacks is trust.


Guys, you

KNOW how it worked!

Corruption Disgusting!

Oh yes,

it was very profitable for her!

Current Events

I’d sure

love to see it. Jim Jordan, however, is the one who stood up today and nominated McCarthy. I don’t think he’s much for turning.

But the brutal truth is that time is really not on McCarthy’s side, here. If this goes on and he no longer looks “inevitable,” his support will quickly crumble. Already there is a Florida Congressman who voted for McCarthy on the first two ballots, but switched away from him on the third!

Current Events

I gotta say

that it certainly seems that McCarthy didn’t play his hand very well. Or wisely (though perhaps that made little difference). But I don’t know. And now hearing so much more about him, perhaps their are good reasons to vote against him!

In exchange for their support, the House Freedom Caucus members asked McCarthy to hold votes on a balanced budget, the Fair Tax Act, the Texas Border Plan and term limits for members of Congress but “he refused,” Perry said in a statement. 

Hmmmm… I didn’t know that. What was he thinking? Or is he truly just another stinkin’ RINO? I mean, RINOs lie about who they really are to get power (see: Romney).

Current Events

So a hard tackle

(that he made) caused a young football pro athlete’s heart to stop. Yeah, maybe. It’s possible, though quite unlikely. Exquisitely unlikely. Still, unlikely things DO happen all the time!

But you will forgive people from wondering if there is another cause. And if there is, you certainly would not hear about it from the MSM and it would even be too toxic for more conservative sources.

Still, one can’t help wondering

Sharp discussed how this unprecedented surge is not a coincidence. Especially because “the Pfizer vaccine is known to cause heart inflammation.”


Don’t just

cram your fingers in your ears and pretend this is not happening, Lefties! THIS is the fruit of Leftism–regular people try desperately to flee it!

I don’t know what will come of it, but you would be wise to pay attention to the sentiment regardless of the final outcome.

Think about it: TWELVE Oregon counties have voted to leave that state and join Idaho, now.

This Leftugeeism on a cosmic scale!

Anti-scientific stance Deliberate Ignorance Kooks


a cult! These folks are brainwashed, pure and simple. They therefore bleatingly drink whatever kool-aid they are given. With predictable results.

Current Events

Uhm, people

are angry. And for good reason.

Poke the tiger, expect the claw!

Moral Agency

Yeah, well we

ALL have to choose what we will do, right? And I’m totally OK with people making their own choices. And that doesn’t make me an anti-vaxxer. I just think that people can choose. I guess that makes me a radical…

Go ahead. You be you. And I will be me. But don’t try and force ME to make choices YOU approve of. And I have no intention (or desire) to force YOU to do what I think.