Current Events Evil Clown

Yes, yes

they are.

No #*@!*&^ paywall!


Look, it’s

not just California that is producing Leftugees.

Captain Obvious Polls

You know,

it’s not AT ALL a “fringe” belief!

Nearly half of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that coronavirus vaccines have caused a “significant number of unexplained deaths,” and over a quarter said they know someone whose death may have been caused by side effects of the vaccines, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday found. [emphasis added]

You know, Lefty kooks, you can jam your fingers in your ears and ignore what is happening all you want, but that doesn’t change the facts. And dismissing the beliefs of HALF the population is just stupid!

Figures remain relatively consistent across the board, as 33 percent of Democrats, 26 percent of Republicans, and 26 percent of independents claim to know someone whose death, they believe, occurred as a result of the side effects from the vaccines. [emphasis added]

Think about it. 26% of Independents AND 26% of Republicans say that the actually know someone who DIED from the vaccine. And even more, 33%, of Democrats say that! Just imagine if the pollster had asked people if they knew someone who was merely permanently and gravely injured from the vaccine!

See, I would be most certainly be in the second group, but maybe not in the first. So just imagine.

All this should indeed give you pause. This is NOT just a kooky fringe belief that you can dismiss out of hand. Virtually half of the population believes it!

Current Events

Yes, the Evil Empire

is out to get Musk. PLEASE don’t be fooled–THAT is what’s happening.

Current Events

Well, that is

probably true. And that is probably for the better. As I have repeatedly said, I personally would choose others over McCarthy. But now is NOT the time to be rigid or to descend into internecine squabbling. There is far too much on the line, here, to lose this window of opportunity.

We can’t allow “perfect” to be the enemy of “good.” Let’s be a little hard-nosed about this! Yes, we Conservatives have been burned by Boehner and Ryan. But with a reduced vote count to “vacate the chair” I am comfortable. Enough.

Then again

Current Events Economics

China is

facing some hard economic times. I know they’re saying that things will get better after the Chinese New Year, but I’m not really convinced that is true. Maybe.

But the fact remains that Xi has really screwed things up.

Culture Morality

Yes, karma is…

not fun.

But understand well, didacticism in art, which is the very purpose of Lefty “art,” is anathema to ALL creative expression. What remains is bald propaganda.

So first it was the squelching of comedians–“There’s nothing funny about Leftism, comrade!” Then it was movies that could be seen as sympathetic to traditional morality or somehow are twisted into being offensive. NOW we are at the, “Leftism-eats-its-own” stage, where a truly Lefty creator has to prove himself or herself to be beyond the reproach of the Lefty harpies, and even a toe out of line immediately brings gnashing, screaming flying monkeys.

It just is not sustainable. Soon you will see “Wendy’s” commercials mocking Lefties. Again. But this time it will mock Lefty karens.

Now I gotta tell you, I don’t like (and have never liked) the vulgar humor of Lenny Bruce or Richard Pryor. As a teen, I was somewhat into the Punk Rock scene, but there was NO question in my mind that there was some pretty nasty stuff, from a morality perspective.

BUT, an overweening and sickeningly oppressive Leftism prevents artistic expression. So to get good stuff, you have to allow some bad stuff to be created.

But Leftism just can’t do that. It can’t allow anyone to put a toe out of (the party) line. And THAT is artistically and intellectually stifling. It’s how you get what was mocked in that Wendy’s ad…

AKA Johnny Rotten
Current Events

Honestly, I

don’t get it. Oh, I understand aiding Ukraine. But I don’t understand it in light of refusing to defend our own borders!

Current Events

Has there EVER

been a bigger nothingburger than Trump’s tax returns? Oh my! It’s like a roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote cartoon!

Oh my!

Buffoons Captain Obvious

You know, it’s

getting harder and harder to imagine. Yet I know people of seemingly normal IQ who fall for it. I honestly think it’s NOT an IQ issue. It is a judgment and personality pathology issue.