not at all unreasonable to wonder if we are seeing the first emerging wave of a new Great Awakening.
Have we, as a society, hit bottom? Given that we here in America right now are faced with pretty gross Presidential corruption and lackey butt-covering. But, there are hopeful signs.
… when asked about belief in God, a substantial majority, 62 percent, described themselves as believers. Another 17 percent said that they believe “some of the time” or that they believe in an unspecified “Higher Power.”
No, not church-attending folks, but believers of a sort. A beginning. An Awakening?
People are starting to revolt and demand a modicum of morality from our leaders. No, not enough yet, but it’s hard to miss the undercurrent of dissatisfaction in modern Democrats and RINOs. And it’s hard to miss the frantic efforts of the Left to squash down the will of decent, moral people.
Certainly, this is a real battle. But can you sniff a subtle shift in the air? Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I am sensing a hint of change…