Current Events

Well, I’ll kind

of curb my enthusiasm for right now. Too many times in the past I have fallen for over-optimistic projections.

But I have to admit, this one looks a bit different and more serious.

Marlow said,  “Yeah. it seems like Biden’s policies particularly with regard to the economy and the Bidenflation as well as the open border, it just seems like this is finally resonating with a lot of these groups, these coalitions that Joe Biden has had working on his behalf for his entire career. Suburban women, Latino voters, black voters, all of them can’t be lied to anymore. They’re seeing what’s happening in this country at this moment, and the polling’s backing it up.”

He added, “Larry if you look at the polls there was no doubt about it, Donald Trump is polling better than any Republican candidate in decades. That’s a major thing right now, and you got to bet the Democrats are scared.”