Current Events

Well, I certainly

HOPE that Manchin holds true to his word. That would be great. And given that he is not running again, perhaps he can afford to stick to his guns.

That said, Manchin has been known to talk a good game and then to crump under pressure (and he would get a HUGE amount of pressure). In the recent past, when the rubber hits the road, Manchin has folded like a cheap tent.

So yes, I like what he is saying. But also, I have doubts about him keeping his word. Maybe he will this time. I really hope so. And I’m optimistic that he will do just as he has said. I want to think well of him.

But there are several weak-kneed RINOs in the Senate. Not the least of which is Mitt Romney. So this may let Manchin wriggle off the hook.

But in any case, Manchin has a history of promising his undying love and then leaving you at the altar. So let’s see what happens…