
Goat rodeo.

Yeah, pretty much!

But fairness and justice don’t matter. The radical, activist left is prosecuting this case. This is their avowed lawfare by any means necessary. This is about keeping Trump in court while Joe Biden is campaigning. This was the plan. It is election interference, which we have been assured is very bad. Indeed, while most criminal trials would be winding down or at least into the defense case at this point, the Trump trial is going into week four and we still haven’t gotten deeply into the perfectly legal payments to Michael Cohen yet, which we were assured were at the heart of the bookkeeping case.[emphasis added]

You know this will be overturned on appeal! Heck, they know it will be overturned on appeal! We ALL know that. But the point of this evolution is NOT to convict Trump with real charges that will stick. The entire point is to keep Trump off the campaign trail…

But it is just revolting. It is an offense against Justice and fairness. And like many Americans, I am offended. What they are doing is totally transparent. Any blamed fool of room-temperature IQ or better knows very well what is going on, here.