
It’s important

to realize: The tide goes out, and the tide comes back in.

That is a key point Democrats have chronically failed to realize. Harry Reid’s “nuking” of the judicial approval process is perhaps the most famous recent example, but is a defining aspect of the Left. They do it over and over.

A wise person doesn’t viciously destroy minority congressional rights one they are in power. Because at some point, they will be in the minority! They don’t change fair election procedures (such as vote harvesting, vote-by-mail, other voter fraud, etc.). For whatever reason, Democrats have long thought that they would never again be totally out of power, and that their tactics will never be used against them.

And I don’t know why. I suspect it is the overweening hubris of them thinking that they are on the “Right side of History.” They are “righteous.” The arc of history and all that. They see the tide going out and then pitch their tent on what is now the water’s edge. They just can’t imagine the tide coming in once more.

But it will. A Conservative Reagan will eventually follow a hard Left Wilson!

This short-sightedness seems to be bound up with a pervasive narcissism. What you want is right. But if you destroy minority rights because YOU hold the whip hand, what will happen when you are in the minority and the other side holds the whip hand?

So, Democrats, think hard about whether you really want to change things to maximize your power and drive it in to the hilt. Do unto others and all that, right?

Because the tide does indeed go out. But remember, it always comes back in…