Culture Current Events

You know,

Leftists are famously un-funny! That’s why they are whacked out about Monty Python. The scene just cuts a little too deep for Leftists–which means that it cuts more than a millimeter deep…

Yeah, when Stan says he wants to have babies, Reg says:

I’m not oppressing you, Stan. You haven’t got a womb! Where’s the fetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!

Good question.

And it’s not like Monty Python was “nice” to conservatives. They were trying to be shocking. They were in many ways the original “shock jocks.” And you know what? It didn’t hurt conservatism. In fact, it strengthened it in many ways, since conservatives had to both know what the “other side” was saying and have the intellectual wherewithal to answer back. And we had to be flexible enough to laugh at ourselves.

Current Events

Democrats’ worst

nightmare: The January 6 tapes have been released.

Political philosophy

How you can

(possibly) identify a RINO. It’s hard, because like virtually all Leftists, RINOs present in one way while actually being the opposite. They lie (see: “Mitt Romney”).

But there are ways to smoke them out. And abortion is a great marker that reveals a RINO. Maybe the best one.

History has shown that those who avoid the abortion issue will eventually cave on “fiscal” issues also. 

So THAT should prick your ears up, and make your RINO alarm bells go off. Let’s just say that they are avoiding the abortion issue for a reason! Don’t be fooled, and don’t be gaffed off.



they do!

Can anyone think of an innocent explanation for this? I sure can’t…

Bad Faith Hypocrisy

You KNEW this

was going to blow up in their faces!

Wile E. Coyote.

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and all that…

And I don’t want to hear a bloomin’ word of complaint from hypocritical Democrats!

Current Events

Look, I’ve

been warning you about this!

Conservatives, by their nature and unlike the Left, are more inclined to accept existing institutions rather than to radically alter or destroy them.

Yes, but the “sleeping giant” is stirring.

Yet suddenly they realize their apathy allowed the country to descend into something the nation’s founders never imagined or intended, and antithetical to what most knew as America just a couple of decades ago.

So conservatives are awakening from their slumber. And they are discovering that they too can boycott, agitate—and roar.

… But the Left does not enjoy majority public support. And now it has managed the impossible—to goad the normally comatose conservative dragon to awaken.

Current Events

You know the

saying: Get woke, go broke.

A Butt-Kicking

Just totally


How do you even respond to that?

A Butt-Kicking


the backlash is growing.

In the milieu of thrashing the likes of Bud Light, Target, and Kohl’s, Chick-fil-A (CFA) really wants no part of this whipping stick!

Some conservatives have suggested a boycott of Chick-fil-A after the fast-food chain was discovered to have a vice president of “diversity, equity, [and] inclusion,” or DEI.

CFA is hurting themselves. Lefties will never love and support them, and they are now alienating conservative and religious (and motivate) people? Really stupid move!

Current Events

71 House Republican

Representatives voted against McCarthy’s debt deal. 71! He should be worried.

Because even if this does not cause the fall of his Speakership, any more like it probably will. He is now officially “on thin ice.” This pretty much removed any “safety net” he had. NOW he is working without a net.

Members of the Freedom Caucus, the most conservative caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, are keeping going after Kevin McCarthy’s speakership on the table in the wake of the disappointing tentative debt ceiling deal he cut with Joe Biden.

McCarthy needs to earn back the trust of Republicans who have been repeatedly burned by RINO poseurs and are now more than a bit skittish. I’m kinda surprised that he spent his political capital on this. I’m not at all sure it was deliberate–I think he totally misjudged the moment. But he spent it, nonetheless.

Now, will the Senate Democrats fall in line and support the bill? Very Probably. Only a few fire-breathing Lefty radicals will vote against it. And some rock-ribbed Republicans will, too (though for entirely different reasons).

But it will certainly pass. And McCarthy will live to fight another day–but now with a black eye and a cauliflower ear…