
Just a word

to the wise (h/t: Powerline)

You say, “Conspiracy theorist,” and I say, “Wisdom.”

Oh, and I have been chronically right and Lefties have been almost universally wrong. Think about THAT, will ya?


Oh sure, it’s

not exactly a confession, but at least he admits the obvious fact!


Hey, it’s GOOD

to be the king! (apologies to Mel Brooks)

Election Fraud

Look, we ALL

know what happened. We’re not stupid, you know. Nor are we blind…

A new telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and College Republicans United finds that 55% of Likely Arizona Voters believe it is likely that problems with the 2022 election in Maricopa County affected the outcome, including 35% who think it’s Very Likely.

… “This survey of actual Arizona voters, with a 3% margin of error, indicates that 8% more of them voted for Lake than voted for Katie Hobbs,” said Richard Thomas, National Chairman of Republicans United.

No (checks talking points notes) “significant” voter fraud. Yeah, riiiight…

Captain Obvious Corruption

Gee, I find

this hard to believe! Well, not really…


So Stanford

was in on the ruse. Gee, what a shocker…

Matt Taibbi has unearthed still more evidence of collusion and censorship at Twitter, all done by people and institutions who believed that they were righteous in their efforts to ban and block Americans from telling the truth about their own personal experiences with the Covid vaccine. This time, it’s Stanford University and their Virality Project that told officials what information should be banned.

Do you even wonder why people are getting to not trust “experts?”

The Virality Project had targeted “stories of true vaccine side effects” as actionable content, and in 2021, they “worked with government to launch a pan-industry monitoring plan for Covid-related content. At least six major Internet platforms were ‘onboarded’ to the same JIRA ticketing system, daily sending millions of items for review.”

In fact, many of those accounts and tweets targeted by the Virality Project, and identified to Twitter as misinformation, were factual accounts from individual Americans about their experience with the vaccines.

… Some cities made vaccines mandatory in order for citizens to participate in public life, and it soon became clear on social media that questioning the vaccines’ usefulness, or noting side effects from taking it, would be a bannable offense

Captain Obvious Liars


was just a dodge. Of course it was his laptop. NOT Russian “disinformation.” Did anyone really think that it wasn’t actually his? I mean anyone with room temperature IQ or better…

Current Events

Well OF

COURSE! Democrats are his natural constituency

Oh, and this is NOT because of his recent head bonk. He has been this way for a long time…


The very definition

of chutzpah!

Current Events

Dutch farmers

lead the way in the rage against the machine.

Actually, it’s not a mere machine–machines don’t, by definition, don’t have moral agency. It is resisting the soul-crushing evil of the far Left!