Epic fail

This guy is

a loser of epic proportions!

The latest survey on Americans’ perception of the president found that “[f]ewer than four in 10 U.S. registered voters say President Joe Biden deserves to be reelected,” meaning six in 10 Americans now believe Biden’s failed policies are enough to disqualify him from keeping his job.

According to that survey, 86 percent of Americans said Biden is “too old” to serve another term — and 73 percent of Democrats agree.

These surveys only reinforce a sour reality for the White House and Biden campaign: Team Biden is losing the most basic battle before them on two fronts. Not only do Americans not approve of Biden’s policies and believe he doesn’t deserve to be reelected, but even more Americans say he’s so old he’s not even up to attempting to serve another four years.


I have just

one thing to say: LOL!

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, the legacy media sink to a new low. This week, in honor of Presidents’ Day, liberal media outlets decided to parrot a bizarre survey from left-wing academics and unironically claim that Donald Trump was the very worst president in United States history.

Election Fraud

I know how

Biden is re-elected: More voter fraud!

“I don’t see how [Biden] can beat Donald Trump,” Peebles said. “If all that’s been thrown at the former president has been thrown at him, and he’s still ahead in the polls — it’s telling us all something that Americans don’t want this president (Biden) and this administration anymore, and it’s time for him to move on for the good of the country.”

And trust me, the fraud WILL happen. I hope you will get active to help prevent that!

Current Events

Well, we pretty

much knew that this would happen. Nikki Haley, would you please go NOW?

But no. She is the human incarnation of bad crotch rot–she just won’t go away no matter what you do! This idiot really IS a stage-5 clinger. In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home!

Deception Dishonesty


Yeah, it’s all pretending. Don’t be fooled! It’s just a ploy to get even more power.

Illegal Immigration Treason

Don’t kid yourself,

this isn’t incompetence, it’s the plan.

And it’s treason.

It’s not like the people paying millions of illegal aliens to come to the U.S. for some social experiment don’t know that what they’re doing is national suicide; it’s that they don’t care that it’s national suicide. That’s a feature, not a bug. 


Oh! You don’t say!

You mean they lied? Why on earth would a respectable married man and an elected official have an affair and then lie about it?

Current Events

Break Google


Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) on Friday called to break up Google, calling it a “progressive technology company” with “monopolistic control of information.”

This should have happened years ago. Now it has metastasized. I’m so old that I remember when Democrats were against big businesses crushing the little guy! My my my, how Democrats have changed…

Despicable DUH!

Guys, it was

part of the “sting.”

It’s pretty dang clear. DUH! There was a TON of entrapment that day, and this was part of it…

If it weren’t for the blatant entrapment by the Feds (Say “HI,” Ray Epps!), nothing but a peaceful rally would have happened.

Captain Obvious Evil Fighting Back

I’m telling you

folks, it makes NO difference at all who it is: Anyone who runs for office who is at least center-right will be hounded incessantly by the Left. It is an intense maliciousness that never sleeps!

These attacks are all a message to anyone who would dare to run as a conservative. Do so, and we will stop at nothing to destroy you.

Even some conservatives have gone wobbly! They need to buck up a bit…

Having said all that, we’ve now reached a point where even if you hate Trump’s behavior, despise his temperament, think he isn’t a pure-enough conservative, or would prefer someone else less toxic carry the conservative banner, the choice is clear — either support Trump or condone the anti-democratic, extra-legal, election-integrity-destroying tactics of the left, which will forever poison the American political system, and will mean the end of conservatism in the U.S. for the foreseeable future.

… Those who think this is just about Trump, or that Trump is a special case, or that once we get Trump out of the picture civility will return, are deluding themselves. If Mister Rogers ran as a conservative he’d be just as viciously attacked.

Since then, the left has added lawfare to its arsenal, which has now reached peak absurdity for the simple reason that Trump refuses to give in. But make no mistake, scalping Trump will only whet the left’s appetite for more scalps.

But perhaps with the recent absurd court action and the manifestly unfair blocking of appeal, things have hit the tipping point. I sure hope so!