Barbaric! Dishonesty

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Barbaric! Current Events

The horror stories

are starting to come out. Indeed, how could it be otherwise?

Now Evie’s body is forever changed because of the surgery and the hormones and other drugs. She will never be able to go back to being fully normal, but she is at least living as a woman again and trying to help others.

I’m telling you (and have predicted for some time, now) that sex-change surgery mutilation is headed down the same “Salem Witch” dustbin path as Thalidomide, turbinate removal to cure hysteria, and allegations of ritual child sex abuse.


Well the case

is closed: It WAS a lab leak. There is really no logical or scientific disagreement, now.


Texas has finally

said that they won’t tolerate Lefty barbarism anymore. Good!

And don’t be fooled, it truly IS barbaric!

Bad Faith Barbaric!

It is utterly

HORRIFYING! And almost none of us would have known to refuse that treatment. We ALL would have gone along with what the doctors told us. And almost all of us of us would have died…

A study in JAMA later revealed a 97.2% mortality rate among those over age 65 put on mechanical ventilators. Patients over age 65 were more than 26 times as likely to survive if they were NOT placed on mechanical ventilators.

Now the numbers don’t account for a few things, like the fact that only the sickest were put on ventilators and people who are 67 are far more fragile than people who are 37. But still, the data are quite striking. And troubling.

Given all the clumsy, self-contradictory arguments about ventilator deaths coming from the medical establishment, you’ve probably gathered that these are not sophisticated crooks. Rather, these are ordinary people who can’t seem to face what really happened. 

Leftists VERY frequently take a riff on the old Adam Savage Mythbusters saying: I reject your reality and substitute my own! Facing the reality of their actions is NOT a strong suit with the Left in general.

Barbaric! Conspiracy

Yeah, it’s

kind of a mystery, isn’t it? There were several people who had good reason to want Epstein dead–not just the Clintons (though I think they are still the odds-on favorite as to the answer to the question: “Who killed Jeffrey Epstein?”).

Well, somebody certainly did, but there is a HUGE crowd of people who quite directly benefitted from his death.

Who killed him? I don’t know–nor does virtually anyone else. I would wager it WAS Hillary and Bill, because I think they had the strongest motive and there is a long history of them killing people who have information that might damage them. But others had motives, as well.


And so

it begins

A coroner has determined that a 32-year-old “healthy” British doctor died from a cerebral blood clot caused by a reaction to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

Yeah, I would sue, too.

Barbaric! Liars

He should be

in prison!

Well, it turns out that Fauci did tweet. Whether or not HE was the person using the platform, is something of a semantic issue – was a much younger, tech-savvy person scribing for him and sending out the tweets? – but as Thacker reveals, Fauci did take control of the @WHCOVIDResponse account on two separate occasions.

…. The real bombshell of the story is the pharma angle, not the Fauci angle. It turns out that Twitter was working hand-in-glove with “Big Pharma” and businesses to take down COVID “misinformation,” and Johnson & Johnson specifically when it came to a “messaging strategy” to push COVID vaccines. Johnson & Johnson also got the opportunity to market products more broadly on Twitter itself.

Barbaric! Evil Malpractice



Frontal Lobotomy, repressed memory, this–all cut from the very same bolt of cloth.

Those of us who have been around the medical world for a bit are all too familiar with this particular animal!

Reed says what Caroline describes is not appropriate care. For one thing, she says, “No parent should feel pressured. That is not true informed consent.” 

No, no it isn’t.

And the divorce makes this MUCH worse. The disagreement over treatment becomes a HUGE proxy battle for the existing conflicts between the two former spouses–that, of course, increases the distress of the child involved.

Misery galore for everyone!

Barbaric! Evil

Kind of makes

you go,”Hmmm,” doesn’t it?

These data suggest that large numbers of well-characterized, serious, and potentially fatal safety events are occurring within 21 days after bivalent mRNA boosters. All of these events should be considered to be serious and directly attributable to COVID-19 vaccination—and conversely—if the injections were not received, these individuals, in all probability, would be alive and free of these complications today.

Evil barbarians did this!