Bad Faith Barbaric!

Look, Democrats

are the party of Mengele-style surgical mutilation and infanticide. So OF COURSE they are opposed to letting parents be in on crucial decisions!



you are just shamed into doing the right thing!

Barbaric! Disgusting!

Well, he knows

which side of the bread is buttered!

He doesn’t need his family now, anyway. So it’s not much to him to betray them!

How tragic.


Where are the

“sane” Democrats condemning this? Democrats tell me all the time that ALL Democrats are not wackos and that they themselves are normal and not violent.

OK, so how ’bout YOU step up and condemn this? What, has the cat got your tongue? Take a stand against barbarism!

Sure, “I keed, I keed!” Yeah, whatever

Barbaric! Deception Evil


they did! Why on this green earth would you be so naïve as to think they wouldn’t?

And before you go on your “conspiracy theory” rant, just save your breath. Please, spare me the idiocy–enough crapola!

Bad Faith Barbaric! Civil Rights

Sounds like

there might well be grounds for an appeal.

Well tonight Chansley’s attorney was on Tucker, and he denied that the video was ever turned over to the defense.


Barbaric! Captain Obvious

Portland, you

know why you can’t have nice things!

It’s because you are barbarians…

Web cam of Portland,Oregon

Walmart was careful to be vague about just why they are shutting down the Portland stores, but it is certainly no mystery to anyone with half a brain!

Barbaric! Civil Rights

China to Musk:

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up about the lab leak!

Yeah, it’s the classic, “Nice car you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it…”

Here’s the deal: China knows nothing about civil rights. That’s just not a part of their culture and it is totally foreign to them.

Now we see how Musk stands up to the Chinese bullies! And it will take some finesse, not a bull-in-a-china-shop approach. It’s a tough needle to thread…

Barbaric! Biden-Induced Human Misery

He’s right,

you know.


Gee, what a


You’d have to be pretty dang stupid to not be able to understand this. And I don’t think proponents of this are stupid–they just want different things than the rest of us.