Buffoons Polls

All in all this

is just another brick in the wall.

Again, I think that about 33% is the “floor.” May I be wrong!

Nearly eight weeks later, the longitudinal survey now shows Biden at 34% approval level, above water in only three states, and only one has him at majority approval level.

So if YOU are still a Biden fan, let’s just say that, in the Immortal words of “Ian Faith,” you have a uh, very exclusive position!

Buffoons Dishonesty

Well, he dang

well SHOULD be “rattled about it.” But it won’t change his behavior. This leopard is NOT going to change his spots! Neither will the cabal of kooks behind him.

Citing White House insiders, NBC is reporting that Biden is getting desperate for new messaging to try to turn the ship around.

Understand well, If Biden does something that looks kinda conservative, it is merely strategic. His TRUE goal is to be the biggest Lefty kook that ever there was!

Biden is reportedly furious that his staff keeps cleaning up after his gaffes, telling advisers it “undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise.

Yeah, but there IS no real authenticity! And he won the Presidency by fraud! So spare me the “authenticity” crap…

Like ALL Leftists, he depends on fraud and lies to prevent people from discovering what he really thinks. THAT is the prevailing Lefty strategy–lie about who they are and don’t let the people actually choose between options.

Have you ever met a “mainstream” Democrat who didn’t lie about his or her positions? I never have. There are a few from overwhelmingly Lefty districts who can afford to show who they really are, but not many can electorally afford to let their Lefty Freak Flags fly!

Look, they are lying to you!

Buffoons Incompetence

Things have gotten

SO bad for Biden that even Democrats are hoping for a replacement!

Uhm, he sucks as President. And Kamala is even worse.

THIS is what happens when you get a cheap mail-order President from China…

Buffoons Captain Obvious


Just brutal.

If YOU approve of “Biden,” you are in a very small minority. And one that gets more, uh, selective by the day…


Yes, yes.

Biden-induced misery Buffoons

Yeah, a pretty

stinkin’ bad week for Biden.

You KNOW when a hard Lefty like John Zogby rates your week a D- you are in a world of hurt!

His polling is at a low, he’s missing in action in the effort to fix the economy and inflation, his immigration policies are being flicked off by courts, and his PR team is so bad that he’s recruiting an old hand at the Pentagon to help out, retired Rear Adm. John Kirby.

Holy crap! Just who are the freakin’ idiots who voted for this piece of crap? Shame on you!

Buffoons Captain Obvious Epic fail

Thanks, “Biden.”

And please, don’t be confused, “Biden” created this mess. And he/they (we are legion) keep deliberately making it worse.

So, Biden won by fraud, but there were folks who foolishly voted for him. Do they know better, now? Certainly, some do. And they apologize.

But others are just too narcissistic to admit that they (THEY!) were wrong. They cling grimly to their media-induced Trump hatred and their rigid political hackery.

Way to go, Biden voters. Way to go…

Buffoons Culture

Yeah, it’s the predictable

response by celebrities. They look down on YOU.

They have no bread? Then let them eat cake, instead!

Buffoons Dishonesty GetWokeGoBroke


we have a problem

If CNN had focused on hard news, it might be in a better position today. Having traded news for narrative, it’s now trading narrative for infotainment. And it says everything about Chris Wallace that he left FOX News not for CNN’s news division, but for its infotainment streaming app where he can appear alongside old episodes of Anthony Bourdain only to have the latter beat him every time.

… CNN, like the rest of the media, spent too many years lying to Americans to ever be trusted. And the 20% of the country that shares its views already has too many media outlets competing for its business. The other 80% will hardly even notice that it’s gone. A news network that once had a stranglehold on the American public has lost its authority and even its airport business.

Buffoons Lefty Political Philosophy

Yeah, it’s

not good news for Democrats.

The poll, conducted after the leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion showing a majority of justices favoring rolling back Roe v. Wade, suggests that the overwrought responses from Democrats may not move the needle on Election Day as they’d hoped it would.

No wonder it is standing room only at the Democrat Prilosec-and-Xanax bar!