Captain Obvious

Yes, my pronouns are

also “rock” and “banana. “ Or maybe “your majesty” and “his majesty.” And just who are YOU to tell me what pronouns I can and can’t use? Just kwitcher bitchin and use my pronouns! These are your rules, after all, knave!

If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes…

Buffoons Captain Obvious

Look, we ALL

need to be able to face the truth!

Captain Obvious Current Events Medicine

Well, it’s pretty

dang obvious now!

Man, I’m happy I’m still a pureblood! I really dodged a bullet, there…

Did I mention that my boss got severe heart problems after getting the vax? Hmmmmm…

Ten percent of Americans who received the COVID-19 vaccine regret having done so, according to a recent poll.

In addition, 15 percent of the 1,038 adults that took the survey said that they have been diagnosed with a new condition by a medical practitioner, weeks or months after taking the vaccine. [emphasis added]

I’m sure that SOME of those new conditions were NOT directly caused by the vaccine. But at least 15% may have been damaged. That’s a lot! Let’s say it is actually half that. “Just” 7.5%.

Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you?”

“The mRNA vaccine technology is new and clinical trials naturally have no long-term data. CHD believes this survey points to the need for further study.”

Yup. I’ve been saying that all along. Novavax (IIRC) has a traditional, non-mRNA vaccine just coming out, and while I really don’t think I need it, I think that is virtually for sure a far better option, overall. And I’m not particularly opposed to it.

I just don’t think the mRNA vax is particularly effective and I don’t think it is particularly safe. I’m pretty much OK with the other, though I think that even the very small risk is not justified for most folks under about 70 who don’t have severe pre-existing conditions…

I didn’t take the mRNA vaccine when it first came out because the technology was new and I wanted to see how it would work “in the wild.” Besides, I’ve had the Delta variant and recovered, so I am immune. I can neither get nor transmit COVID.

Well, I think we have the answer to that question, now.

Captain Obvious Cowardice

Yep! That is

virtually for sure true. Stick a fork in him–he’s done…

Manchin is not up for reelection until 2024, but considering the increasingly Republican landscape of his home state and his willingness to sabotage the livelihoods of the people who put him in office, it grows more and more likely that this will be the last time he is in office.

I assume that this means that he won’t actually run again. I suspect that he has already made that call. I don’t think he can win now, anyway. Besides, he’s way too old.

See ya, Joe!

Biden-induced misery Captain Obvious

Yeah, and “Biden”

is making all three worse

Sharply higher interest rates, red-hot inflation and a prolonged energy crisis are leading to conviction that the world economy is headed inexorably towards recession.

Way to, Biden voters. Way to go…

(The Biden mantra…)

Captain Obvious Epic fail Hypocrisy

OK, Karine.


There was really no good answer to Doocy’s question so KJP can only claim they’re not finishing the wall which is sort of true and sort of a lie. They’re not finishing the entire wall but they are finishing a portion of the wall in Yuma, AZ.

… By finishing part of the wall the White House is admitting that there was a need to complete more of the job before shutting down the entire project. So, if there was a failure here it was at least partly a failure of the Biden administration not following through on this 18 months ago.

So just why? If a wall actually doesn’t work and is just a waste of money, why on earth is the Biden administration building more? What ever happened to, “Not one more foot?”

If the wall is ineffective, why build more of it?

Captain Obvious




Age-related decline Captain Obvious Epic fail

Yeah, what are the


Biden is even worse than we thought.

Did YOU vote for him? What does that say about YOU?

Captain Obvious Dishonesty

Look, it’s REALLY

quite clear that Fauci is a damned liar!

Captain Obvious

Honestly, nobody

likes him. I think that even among those who voted for him, maybe 5% actually liked him and the other 95% just hated on Donald Trump…

The entire ticket is just irredeemable for the Democrats. So what do they do? Republicans have seen 1,000,000 registered Democrats switch parties in just the last two years. Hispanic and black voters are trending Republican in historic numbers. And increasingly media pundits and writers are declaring the Republican Party as the ideological home of America’s working class voters.

But even so, taking the government back will NOT be easy. And it won’t be just one election. Democrat voter fraud will run wide and deep for the next decade or so, at least. And be prepared to lose some battles. But don’t lose heart. Let’s look long-term, here. One battle does not a war make…

Democrat and their mindless myrmidons are like one of those barbed stickers where the more you dig at it, the deeper it goes into your sweater. PLEASE recognize that–and act accordingly!