Current Events

So the question

is this: How low can it go?

Only 39% of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s performance as president, according to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research, dipping from already negative ratings a month earlier.

Hard to know what his “floor” is. But I suspect a bit more. My wild guess? About 35% is about as low as he can possibly go. But we will see.

And here is a flashing red light for Democrats:

Overall, only about 2 in 10 adults say the U.S. is heading in the right direction or the economy is good, both down from about 3 in 10 a month earlier. Those drops were concentrated among Democrats, with just 33% within the president’s party saying the country is headed in the right direction, down from 49% in April.

Current Events

You’re not scared?

You will be…

Way to go, Biden voters. Way to go…

I really hope the nation survives. And maybe Republicans shellacking Democrats in the mid-terms will be enough. But even now people are starting to realize that Leftism is a steaming pile of crap.

One thing “Biden” has provided is a stark contrast between what a Conservative set of principles produces and what a Lefty set of principles produce. There is now a stark contrast for ALL to see. It’s pretty dang obvious! No more quibbling about theoretical, pie-in-the-sky outcomes. Just hard data. And hard reality…

Current Events


keep battling. We are making progress. It often doesn’t seem like it, but we are.

Current Events

“Leftugees” are

fleeing Democrat-run states. And for good reason. The hope is that they now realize how stupid and damaging their Lefty policies were and will now do better.

This isn’t a small blip on the radar of migration trends. This is a monumental shift away from Democratic-run cities and states and to Republican-run destinations that simply have more to offer.

But is aggravating to me as a resident of a Conservative destination state to have these Lefties preen and prance and stupidly crap their new bed just like they crapped their old one! They are “free riders.” They reap the benefits of a Conservative state all the while puffing themselves up as a Leftists.

BUT, they can only afford to preen and prance because wiser folks made good decisions!

Current Events

Yes, the Democrats

have indeed become “The party of division and hate.” They are also the party of force, violence, and lack of moral agency.

Pay attention to what YOU are supporting!

On Twitter Wednesday afternoon, Musk said that he had previously voted for Democrats “because they were (mostly) the kindness party,” but now “they have become the party of division & hate.”

SOME people are starting to wake up!

Current Events


Chuck Schumer makes me mad!

Why are virtually ALL Lefties liars? For Pete’s sake, just take a stand for you beliefs!

It’s part and parcel with the whole Lefty “won’t argue” wheeze. They won’t be honest about what they truly believe because they will immediately get smacked down by any half-competent Conservative! THAT is why Oregonian left this board! And yes, I’m still angry about it…

I’m sick to death of the cowards!

But modern Leftism seems to be mainly about deception and cowardice.

Current Events

You know,

the internal polling for Democrats looks pretty dang bad.

That said, remember that they cheat! So now is NOT the time to get complacent. Volunteer locally. Talk to friends. Let people know that they are not alone. Let’s do this…

Run through the tape, not to the tape!

Current Events

Well, we

can hope. STOOOOPID idea in the first place!

Democrats, you understand that someday, probably soon, the shoe will be on the other foot, right?

Current Events

Look, if you

voted for “Biden,” this is what you voted for.

I’m not so much angry that you made a crappy choice and are now paying for it. I’m OK with that. Hey, you touch a hot stove and you get burned…

I am mad that you made a crappy decision and now I am paying for it, also! You owe me gas and grocery money!

Current Events

It’s pretty

good news. It certainly doesn’t flip NY “red,” but it does mean that Jerry Waddler Nadler and Carolyn Maloney are in the same district and would have to face each other in a primary. Popcorn, please!