Dementia Joe Humor

Joe Biden

cuts his first campaign commercial.

It would be funny, but it hits FAR too close to home..

Dementia Joe

Does anyone

NOT know that Biden is horribly demented? Honestly, I’m not sure how any sentient being, one with two brain cells to rub together for warmth, could somehow not know that!

Here’s the WSJ:

It’s impossible to know Mr. Biden’s real physical and mental state because the White House goes to great lengths to hide it. But his decline is clear to anyone who isn’t willfully blind. He rarely holds a press conference, and his words are as scripted as possible to avoid embarrassing stumbles that he nonetheless continues to make.

And this clip was from TWO YEARS AGO!

Just think about what Biden voters have irrationally foisted upon us!

Honestly, this is insane.

Dementia Joe Piss-poor judgment

Yeah, he’s pretty

far gone now. It’s sad, but he is barely sentient anymore. Of course he is not the one calling the shots–and I am not sure who is. It probably depends on the subject.

It’s also very dangerous for both domestic and foreign policies. On the domestic front, US citizens are impacted greatly–the “misery index” is very high.

In terms of foreign policy, everyone knows that Joe is a weak cypher. And his advisors (who are actually running things) have abysmal judgment.

To paraphrase a Lefty hero, don’t underestimate Biden’s ability to screw things up!

And YOU voted for him? You fool! You owe us all a HUGE apology. And gas money (among other things)… If you voted for Biden, maybe, just maybe, you have such piss-poor judgment that you shouldn’t vote at all! It’s time for you to take a hard look at yourself.

Dementia Joe Piss-poor judgment

Yes, senile old

Joe is a weirdo, no doubt about it. But he’s also a senile old gaffer.

And it’s getting worse. MUCH worse.

Look, it’s pretty dang obvious that Joe is not running the show. Oh, someone is, but it’s certainly not Joe…

Did YOU vote for this guy? If you did, then apologize and do better. <sheesh!>

Dementia Joe

I wonder if Joe Biden

hid his own Easter eggs this morning?

Dementia Joe

Biden is just

a freakin’ weirdo!

But then again, I didn’t vote for this demented old man. Did you?

Buffoons Dementia Joe

Look, when you’re

eighty, it’s kinda hard to remember all those pesky details

Dementia Joe

I’m glad

to hear it, but I don’t think it’s really true:

Dementia Joe

Bad Touch Biden

Strikes again!

Dementia Joe

Yeah, Grandpa

gropes is senile. He’s lucky if he knows what year it is, let alone what debunked cock-and-bull story he has already told!