Disgusting! Evil Immorality

Just remember,

Democrats tried really hard to keep this away from you. They’d rather you die the horrible death of you drowning in your own lung secretions if it meant power for them. How many lives were lost because of them? Just tragic!

How monstrous! This is Ted Bundy serial killer kind of stuff! The immorality here is just breathtaking!

And YOU were fooled? If so, what do you have to say for yourself? And if your judgment was so bad on this, might it also be really bad on other things (oh, like voting for Biden)?

If you voted for Biden, just how do you live with yourself?

Remember this in November…

A new peer-reviewed study concluded that the mortality rate in people who used ivermectin regularly was 92 percent lower than in non-users and 84 percent lower than in irregular users. [emphasis added]

IF the gov’t had been morally correct, they would have sent Ivermectin to everyone. But they didn’t–they were OK if YOU died, as long as THEY retained power…

This is immorality on a cosmic scale! Don’t YOU be a part of it.

Look, if you are not angry, you are not paying attention!

Despotism Disgusting! Lefty Political Philosophy


the wages of “green.”

It has always been inordinately stupid. It was always a Lefty heroin pipe dream.

And now real people will suffer due to kooky Lefty delusions. Lefties pretended that we could spin gold out of straw–well, we can’t. There are real-world consequences for this pie-in-the-sky nuttiness!

Real people will die. Real people will suffer. But you can be sure that the heads of state won’t suffer one bit. Their palaces will be nicely heated, you can bet. AND, you peasants will pay for it!

Way to go, Lefties! Is this what you always intended?

Despotism Disgusting!

Indeed, apart from

a raving lunatic “vote blue no matter who” numbskull crowd, people are starting to turn away from Democrat ass-hattery.

And little shows that in higher relief than Biden’s speech last night.

Joe Biden harangued and threatened the nation for 20 minutes on national TV on Thursday in a speech that will be remembered for its vicious rhetoric and blood-red lighting.

… There is a very real possibility that Biden will back up his threatening speech with actions. He may not round us up in ghettos (at least not in his first term) but make no mistake: He just declared war on 74 million of his fellow Americans. If Republicans don’t win big in the midterms, or if Joe Biden gets a second term, there will be no stopping the Left. Our most sacred rights—freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, the right to bear arms—could go away—poof—like all that student debt he just “forgave.”

… For most politicians, Independence Hall in Philadelphia would be the perfect backdrop for a patriotic speech. But Biden’s handlers apparently thought it would be better to stage the boss’s dark rhetoric with blood-red lighting and shadowy Marines standing at attention, suggesting a cross between the 6th circle of Hell and a Fidel Castro rally.

But you know, it won’t turn out well for this despotic cabal.

As part of the Democrats’ unwitting effort to help Republicans win even bigger in November, Biden’s puppet masters decided to pump him full of extra Adderall (h/t VodkaPundit) and stick him in front of a microphone so he could tell 74 million people that he hates us.

…What we saw was the panic and flop sweat of every Washington power player inside the Beltway.

Despotism Disgusting!

Vee vill

silence you!

“Funny” how despotic CA has become. Now physicians can’t even have unorthodox views without the state coming down on you like a ton of bricks!

This is just revolting! This is just Gestapo behavior.

So is CA now going to hammer all chiropractors? I saw one the other day advertising that he could cure childhood enuresis by popping the kid’s back! Sure, it’s a bunch of crap, but should he lose his license?

I think they should butt out of the practice of medicine!

P.S. probably the best back pain advice I have ever gotten was from a Chiropractor friend. More PT-oriented, but great.

Disgusting! Evil

Oh, so mutilating kids

doesn’t help with depression after all! Yeah, DUH!

Evil. If you supported this you are evil. But YOU can change! I hope you do.

Banana Republic of Brandon Captain Obvious Disgusting!

Yeah, I sure do!

This is classic CYA behavior.

Civil Rights Disgusting!

I learned a new

word today, and while it was in another context, it is a good descriptor of the Gestapo-like Trump raid. The word is, “feculent.”

But this whole sordid fiasco may well backfire on the low-life dirtbags who did this.

I hope so–they richly deserve it.

Corruption Disgusting! Lawfare

Cue the

sad trombone:

Wah, wah, wah, waaaaah…

But I gotta tell you that as an American and as a freedom lover, the vindictive and evil actions of the deep state and it’s minions just sickens me!

Are YOU in favor of this? And if so, what does that say about YOU?


Yeah, I understand

the anger much better now…

Despotism Disgusting! Injustice

The truth is,

almost everyone is willing to participate in an honest event.

The problem is, this is NOT AN HONEST EVENT. It is not justice, it is sheer despotism.

“Judges” are from one side ONLY, there are ONLY malicious inquisitors on the committee, and there is no way to explain yourself. There is no due process. Plus, every single person on the committee already has the “verdict.” They have pre-judged the case. And the “verdict” has been decided and known from the very beginning.

The “trial” is just for show.

THAT has been abundantly clear for some time. So Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t let Republicans choose people from their side to put on the committee! Oh they tried, but an actual fair situation was NEVER Pelosi’s goal. So she put ONLY her own minions on the committee.

Of course she did. It’s not about finding facts–never has been. It is about thrashing those who disagree with the Left!

This is a show trial, and NOTHING more. This has nothing to do with facts. This is only about afflicting people who oppose the Left’s pre-decided punishment and interfering with the democratic process of the upcoming elections.

I mean, do you think Mastriano would even be subpoena’d if he were not a Republican Governor in PA? Oh puh-leeze! Don’t be a rube!

Do I look stupid? No really, do I look stupid?

Mastriano is entirely right to resist this kangaroo court.

And regular people, people who espouse fairness and love justice, should be enraged by this.