Disgusting! Immorality


revolting: “You all got caught with your sparkly panties down!

What I really don’t understand is soi-disant moral people who (often tacitly) support this kind of crap. How do they live with themselves? I mean, I can understand and even respect disagreement. But lying about who you are and what you believe? No. Just no. I don’t cotton to lying (and remember, you can lie by omission as well as by commission!).

Time for you to cowboy up and stand for what you actually believe! Don’t be a craven, cringing wimp!

“What is it about a grown man costumed in a sparkly bra with augmented boobs busting out, a leather miniskirt barely covering his twerking ass with tuck tape on his front while spreading his fish-netted legs as he writhes on the ground, grinding his groin next to a minor, ‘family-friendly?’” Mayer slammed the school board, video shows.

“You all got caught with your sparkly panties down,” the outraged mother continued, demanding an explanation and an apology from each member. “And while we have a culture that has a massive problem with child porn, with sex trafficking — you, a little school district, board of adults, made the decision to feature an event to hyper-sexualize young children.”

And you pretend to be moral, all the while you (at least tacitly) support crappery like this?

Holy crap, what color is the sky in YOUR world? Stop it. Protect the children!

Disgusting! Epic fail

Who would’ve

thought that would happen? Well, besides anyone with half a brain…

Average scores on the ACT college admissions test dropped to their lowest in 30 years, revealing more evidence of the pandemic’s alarming impact on American education.

Disgusting! Dishonesty Immorality

Showing my

geekiness: Not all who wander are lost. And not all who claim to be a news source actually are!

Be careful! The Democrat charlatans are out to trick you…

But I find it kind of fascinating (in a sick, car-crash sort of way): These folks are often unwilling to debate ideas, yet they are more than willing to dishonestly sway voters. Huh.

Where is their morality?

Disgusting! Lefty meltdown

The EU bureaucrats

are freaking out, and with good reason.

And they have resorted to, “Vee haff vays” threats:

“If things go in a difficult direction, I’ve spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools,” European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said, in what can only be called a threat.

… In recent weeks, Britain elevated tax-cutting conservative Liz Truss to be prime minister, while Sweden’s recent elections brought in a new conservative government. Winning candidates have run on platforms limiting immigration, stunning elites across Europe.

Yeah, it’s the same story as Leftism EVERYWHERE!

The point is, the EU and left-leaning governments across Europe have failed horribly at delivering stability, prosperity, and peace to their citizens. So, before it’s too late, the citizens are hitting the brakes, voting for the opposition in recent elections.


Oh gee,

what a surprise! These charges were always just trumped-up crap meant to tar an effective enemy!

Disgusting! Evil Clown

Yes, welcome to

the “Biden” Pleasure Dome!

Simply put, working Americans are $4,200 poorer today than when Biden took office,” EJ Antoni, research fellow in regional economics with The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis, said in a press release. “This financial catastrophe for American families is the direct result of a president and Congress addicted to spending our money, combined with a Federal Reserve compliantly enabling this addiction by printing more dollars.”

Hey, if implementing his Lefty crap means that working men and women suffer, he is willing to make that sacrifice!

Disgusting! Evil Hypocrisy

How nice…

The money raised for the illegal immigrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard WON’T ACTUALLY GO TO HELP THEM!

Classic Lefty deception and hypocrisy. Yeah, pretty disgusting, but THIS is how the Lefty sausage is made!

Disgusting! Hypocrisy

Well, yeah.

She is a disgusting hypocrite. As are many Democrats.

Disgusting! Dishonesty Epic fail

Oh, so it was

just another lame hoax! Well surprise, surprise!

It sure seems like ALL these racial incidents in the news are hoaxes…

The default position on all of these race hoaxes is to assume they’re lying:

1. They always are.
2. If you actually uttered a racist phrase against a black person in America today, your entire life would be ruined. Nobody would risk it.

Of course, any sane person without an agenda can see that Kelly’s assessment is the higher-IQ take. The idea that anyone would shout racial epithets at a public sporting event is ludicrous on its face. Nobody would be insane enough to do such a thing.

A close review of the audio PROVES it never happened. I’m just sick of all this “crying wolf.” Aren’t you?


A “slip-up”

Yeah, riiiiight.

Kinda… interesting, eh?

Please, don’t tell me that you are such a naïve hayseed that you think this was actually a mistake!