Current Events Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, the MSM

won’t cover it, but this is happening.

People around the world are getting to the point where they’ve had enough!

Crime Hypocrisy Media Flying Monkeys

It’s a BIG deal.

Yes it is. But you just wouldn’t know it from the sleazy and groveling, suck-up MSM “coverage.” You have to go to other sources to get the truth.

Let’s face it: The MSM is firmly “in the tank” for Biden. And they will lie, by commission or omission, about everything Biden.

I sure wish we had a non-partisan MSM! But we very obviously don’t.

It’s the scandal that avoids the laser-focus attention of the press. If this were Trump, and for a time it was, the hysterics and endless lectures about following proper protocol would have predominated the news cycle. Now that Biden has his own and more serious classified document circus, the narrative has switched to ‘this stuff happens all the time,’ dating back to the Kennedy days. 

Current Events Media Flying Monkeys

Remember when

the NY Times said that the COVID lab leak theory had been “debunked?”

Good times…

Media Flying Monkeys


the way! I think most of us have had just about enough of these lying turds!

Hypocrisy Media Flying Monkeys

The ante has

been raised. And the MSM is totally up for the challenge!

You see, the story here isn’t that a man and his surrogates scammed a state into electing him when he wasn’t healthy enough to do the job. The story is just how courageous he is for not being able to do his job. Apparently, the US Senate is now a rehab facility for people with long-standing (and previously undisclosed) severe clinical depression. Never mind that Fetterman’s stroke has left him very clearly permanently damaged in a way that will keep him from ever truly representing his constituents.

… What truly blows my mind, though, is that these are the same press outlets that reported on Donald Trump walking down a ramp slowly and holding a glass of water with two hands, as if it was grounds for forced removal from office. Meanwhile, they pretend that Fetterman is just fine and shouldn’t resign despite how obvious it is that he’s not going to recover. The hypocrisy is off the charts.

Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys


WaPo lies about Musk.

You are surprised? Oh please, don’t be such a hayseed!

With two reporters you think they could bother to actually investigate the claim. But no. That would be reporting, not spreading a convenient [Lefty] narrative.

… This all confirms why the latest Gallup poll showed that only 25% of Americans don’t either believe or suspect that the MSM is lying to them to push a narrative.

It’s because the MSM is lying to us in order to push a narrative.

Look, the MSM is openly and provably dishonest. If you believe them you are either a shill or a rube. Or both.

Captain Obvious Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, NOT

a “fringe” belief! YOU may not believe it, but it certainly isn’t fringe…

Half of Americans in a recent survey indicated they believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting. [emphasis added]

Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, it was


A reporter based out of Florida was caught on a hot mic before a Tuesday press conference with Governor Ron DeSantis (R) explaining her job was to make him “uncomfortable.” 

Corruption Media Flying Monkeys

Don’t be fooled

by the partisan MSM, who are blind to this story! And it is a deliberate, calculated move on their part.

Joe Biden has insisted that “There is no there there” in this scandal, yet for some reason, the White House keeps hiding information from the public.

Epic fail Media Flying Monkeys

Ok then,


The liberal news network’s average primetime viewership plunged to just 444,000 viewers, according to TV Newser. How bad is that? Well, Fox News pulled in just under two million primetime viewers during that same week. And even more liberal MSNBC more than doubled CNN’s ratings, with 943,000 average primetime viewers.

They are in the “crease.” Far too lefty for normal people, but not comparable to the rabid, spittle-lipped Leftism of CNBC. So they don’t get the vast majority of normal people because of their crap-eating Leftism. But they are also not quite foam-flecked enough in their Leftism to attract most of the hardcore Lefty dead-enders.

They need to decide who their target audience actually IS. And I don’t think they can effectively turn to more “straight” news. While Fox is actually by no means conservative, they at least will tolerate some conservative talent. But hey, at night a candle’s brighter than the sun!

So CNN can’t/won’t compete with Fox. And besides, CNN talent shies like a rearing stallion at anything that is not ultra-Leftist.

But CNN also can’t compete with the totally unhinged Leftism of CNBC. Not and keep a shred of credibility, that is. And in any case, CNBC has a corner on that end of the market. Yes, CNN has many wacky Leftists on staff (they had Don Lemon until very recently), but they really can’t let their Lefty freak flag fly as an organization. The management has their eyes on the profit ball, after all.

There just is little market for a lukewarm Leftism, which is what CNN is selling.
