Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, ‘cuz

they’re suck-up shills! DUH!

“Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?” Musk wrote on Twitter on Dec. 27, in response to a tweet from journalist and documentary filmmaker Leighton Woodhouse. The latter was sharing his new Substack post about how corporate media rushed to defend the FBI and the state instead of exposing them.

Honestly, could anything be more clear? Unless you are like 80 years old, you have to be pretty willfully ignorant to trust or be guided by the MSM!

Immorality Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, this MSM

rank dishonesty can’t last forever. Even now, most people realize they are full of crap.

The MSM is furious that Elon Musk is exposing Democrats and the feds at large for their grotesque manipulation of information and suppression of free speech. The fact that the iron grip of totalitarianism is closing around the throat of American citizens is of no interest to a media more interested in their own sense of prestige, importance, access, and virtue.

Already, many people just don’t give a crap what the partisan NY Times says. Why on earth would you?

Losers Media Flying Monkeys

And you are

surprised? Why?

Only a great fool pays good money to have the NY Times lie to them. And these great fools are increasingly in short supply…

Age-related decline Dementia Joe Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, well Biden

is a chronic and habitual liar. So in his senescent haze, it is not AT ALL surprising that he is having real problems discerning fact from fantasy.

So he does what is known as “confabulation”–he just makes stuff up. It is not lying per se, though of course what he says is untrue. He’s just adding things to the fill in the gaps of his cognitive losses. And since he never had a single problem with lying, some of the most ridiculous lies now come out of his mouth.

Biden then describes a scene (that never happened) where his Uncle Frank came over to the house with family in attendance for a ceremony to present the Purple Heart. Remember, we are talking about someone who died at least nine years prior to when this event supposedly took place.

… This is the kind of thing that would have been fact-checked to the hilt if Trump had said it. Reporters would have grilled Kayleigh McEnany on why the president had lied about something so sacred. Op-eds would have flowed like milk and honey decrying the culture of appropriation and dishonesty emanating from the White House.

… If we had a real press, he’d be lambasted for it, but we don’t so we get shrugs at what has become a continual stream of blatant lies. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a president (certainly not in my lifetime) who makes up so many personal stories, and you’d never know it without following conservative accounts on social media because none of the legacy outlets are going to tell you. They’re too busy quizzing Biden on what his favorite flavor of ice cream is.

Media Flying Monkeys

It truly IS

a double-edged sword for the MSM. Yes, it’s news, and yes, it’s a very juicy story of corruption, but they can’t report on it without harming their own “team.”

And don’t be a freakin’ FOOL–what happened at Twitter of course happened (and is still happening) at facebook, Apple, and Google.

So the MSM flying monkeys just have to shed a tear and let it slip away…

Media Flying Monkeys

Christmas miracle,


Losers Media Flying Monkeys


how could this happen?

Guys, good luck with that! Gallup poll: Just 7% of Americans have “a great deal” of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have “a fair amount.”

…Just 7% of Americans have “a great deal” of trust and confidence in the media, and 27% have “a fair amount.” Meanwhile, 28% of U.S. adults say they do not have very much confidence and 38% have none at all in newspapers, TV and radio. Notably, this is the first time that the percentage of Americans with no trust at all in the media is higher than the percentage with a great deal or a fair amount combined.

Maybe all those fired should just learn to code. Ya think?

Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, if we had had

a decent FREE press, the Twitter crap would never have happened!

I guess that’s what’s most aggravating and even discouraging. This didn’t have to happen. It did because of a corrupt MSM. I would tell them to do better, but I think they’re beyond that.

The Twitter Files should raise the ire of all Americans, however, and not because of what they expose about tech companies — but because they illustrate the corporate media’s complicity in the censorship of stories that prove harmful to powerful people and preferred politicians.

GetWokeGoBroke Media Flying Monkeys


shame, eh?

Epic fail Media Flying Monkeys

The MSM is indeed

having a mental breakdown about free reporting.

Well, let’s get some real reporting, here!

Yet their real anger now is being directed at reporter Matt Taibbi, formerly of Rolling Stone and now a star on Substack. He, along with Glenn Greenwald and Bari Weiss has built a huge following on the platform, filling a void in the current news landscape: former mainstream reporters who have defected from the MSM due to disgust with the rejection of journalistic standards.

Musk is releasing the Twitter files through Taibbi, and the media Elite™ are in full [ed. coordinated] attack mode against Taibbi. Utterly unhinged attacks.