Current Events

I hadn’t really thought

of it that way, but it is entirely correct. The Left engages in a sort of Neo-Manichean duality. You are either a Democrat or a damned (literally) heretic, according to them.

You DON’T have friends who are outside of your “bubble” and you certainly never leave the Lefty “Circle of Safety” to argue a point. In fact, Lefties are not willing to marshal facts to argue at all or to risk their conversion to Leftism by entering the marketplace of ideas!

They are to stay in the warm, moist embrace of the Lefty fever swamp, where they are never challenged and so there is no threat to their inflated sense of self-importance and superior intellect.

Bad Faith

Uhm, the White House

has changed their messaging. It has shifted a bit. Do they think we are all just stupid sheep and won’t notice?

Well, yeah. Pretty much.

AND, some around you are indeed stupid sheep! Sad, but true.

On Friday’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky responded to a question on whether the handling of schools during the coronavirus pandemic was a failure by the CDC by stating that she was “not in the CDC when schools were closed.” And that “starting in January 2021, I have said, and continued to say, schools should be the first place to open and the last place to close.”

Suuuure you did…


You know what

the problem is? Biden is a freaking hypocrite. And an inveterate swamp creature.

Biden is building a $500,000 wall to protect his beach house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, while continuing to ignore the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. Despite having an estimated net worth of roughly $9 million, Biden is having the taxpayers pick up the tab for his wall, which is being financed by the Department of Homeland Security. 

Walls work. DUH! Biden is just a chronic scrounge and a rigid partisan. DUH! And YOU pay for this multi-millionaire’s wall. But you can’t have one…

If the Joe Bidens and Nancy Pelosis of the world get to live and work behind the protection of a physical barrier, why can’t the Brent Smiths of the world get the same? 

Biden knows that walls work, but refuses to build one where we need it most, and at the cost of American lives. Biden is entitled to the protection a wall provides, but so are the rest of us. His decision to build a wall for himself while ignoring the carnage at our border is an insult to the American people. [emphasis added]

Bad Faith Banana Republic of Brandon

It really is

nothing short of bizarre. To spend time in a very public speech saying how Republicans are a threat to the nation, and then:

At the conclusion of the event Biden was asked by FOX News’s Peter Doocy whether he considered all Trump supporters a threat to the country. Biden responded: “You keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporters a threat to the country.”


Was that not the main point of the entire speech?

Now that is bizarre. What are we to make of it? Byron York states that Biden was “tr[ying] to walk back some of the rhetoric he used the night before.” Really? Byron himself judges Biden’s denial of the import of his remarks “simply impossible to believe. How could he mean what he said at Independence Hall and not consider any Trump supporters a threat to the country? Not possible.”


Katie Hobbs is

a total coward!

Will AZ voters let her get away with this crap? If I were Kari Lake, I would take a page out of Cato The Censor’s book and end every speech with, “And Katie Hobbs is still too much of a coward to debate me.”

“Hobbs is so terrified that I might bring up the fact that she is a twice-convicted racist, and that her racism cost Arizona taxpayers nearly $3 million,” Lake said in a video. “I made it unbelievably easy for her. She picks the date, the time, the moderator. She even had the chance to write all of the questions. But she would rather hide from the voters and let Soros and other dark money groups pour millions of dollars in attack ads against me.”




The lawlessness is just off the charts…


Guys, things

can change. They don’t always flip as they should, but this kind of stuff should be giving Democrats hives!

Current Events

Look, there

is just no end to the richly deserved mocking! (h/t: Powerline)

And here’s the REAL problem for Biden:

Current Events Epic fail Evil Clown

Yes, Biden’s speech

was an utter disaster! Yes, the visuals were beyond horrible. True enough. I don’t know who the morons were who dreamed up and then approved THIS! But holy crap! They should be working the midnight shift at the local 7-11. I mean, who on earth thought this was a good idea?

Oh, I have words to describe this fiasco, but they are words I learned when I was with Marines, and they are not fit for a family blog. They are not even PG-13!

But it wasn’t just the breathtakingly horrible visuals. The content was also abysmally bad! Biden harangued, nattered, and threatened half the voting population the whole time. This was NOT a uniting speech. Far from it…

So in combination, it was colossal failure, the extent of which we have rarely seen, at least in living history! I do indeed think that you have to go back to Dukakis in a tank to get this epic of a failure!

Evil Clown

You know that when

even The Washington Post and CNN are aghast at your ham-handed dictator schtick, you have gone too far, even for a Democrat.

Many, many progressives have bought into this idea that this is their Flight 93 Election and they don’t want to hear anything but that kind of rhetoric.

… There’s a reason Biden and the Democrats are waving the bloody shirt: Polls show they will likely lose the midterm elections if they don’t.

I strongly suspect that they will get their pathetic butts kicked even if they do!

If I were really a distrustful person, I would think that the DNC would shoot Biden. That would do three things:

First, it would get rid of a stinky dead albatross that is hanging around their necks. Biden sucks and everyone knows it.

Second, it would generate all sorts of good will toward the party of the fallen President (both real and ginned up by MSM flying monkeys).

Third, it would be the excuse to try and destroy the Second Amendment and ban all guns.

A Biden assassination would be SO good for Left that I strongly suspect that they will try it. Certainly, Kamala is all in on it!