Energy Epic fail Hypocrisy

Honestly, if

you are not for nuclear power, you are NOT an environmentalist and you are a stinkin’ hypocrite!

Yeah, fill up the landfills with toxic and inefficient unrecycled (and unable to be recycled) solar panels and windmill blades! Then prance and preen and tell people that you are an environmentalist…


What a guy!

Captain Obvious


be thankful the atomic bombs were detonated on Japan. Millions of Japanese and American (and Cambodian and Chineses and many others) stayed alive because of it, and their descendants are here. And they would not have otherwise been.

We are talking about a bottom estimate of 1.7 million US casualties in an invasion of the home islands (Operation Downfall). And that is a low-ball estimate. And how many Japanese would have died?

It’s hard to say how many Japanese would have died. But undoubtedly more. Far more. Probably at least ten times more. You think Okinawa was bad for civilian and soldiers? Just think of what an invasion of Japan proper would have looked like!

And remember, it took two atomic bombs to get Japan to capitulate. After the first one they still wouldn’t capitulate! So a second one had to be used. Even after that, there was a coup put in motion against Hirohito when it leaked that he was about to surrender.

Read E.B. Sledge’s With the Old Breed to get an idea of what it was like for a Marine on Okinawa and other Pacific islands! On Okinawa alone more than 12,000 Americans died and over 100,000 Japanese died.

And an invasion of the home islands would have been exponentially worse. Yet some people think it would be better for 20 million Japanese to die than use the atomic bombs? Where is your humanity?

To armchair-quarterback look back and fantasize about a different, better outcome is to bask in the faux glow of delusion and moral preening. Let’s try to think more than a millimeter deep, here.

Don’t be a dumb-donkey: A ton of Japanese and Americans are alive today only because of the atomic bombs!

Multiple Sclerosis

Don’t get me

wrong, I’m happy for this limited progress. But of course, I am a bit impatient. The clock is ticking for me…


Joe Biden is

a mean, mean man. Plain and simple.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Friday that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) denied his request for Secret Service protection.

Joe WANTS another Kennedy assassination!

You voted for him? Way to go. Waaay to go…

Current Events

It’s about freakin’

time, gramps! Sheesh! What a turd!

Not only has Biden refused to state that he has seven grandchildren, leaving out little 4-year-old Navy, but he’s reportedly instructed staff to also only refer to six grandchildren. He has repeatedly left out the girl, born to Hunter Biden and a woman with whom he had a productive dalliance, Lunden.


Uhm, yeah.

Pretty much. Joe Biden knowingly and deliberately lied to you. Yep. How do you feel about having been the “mark” or the “pigeon?”

Hunter admitted that he had received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a company supported by the Chinese Communist Party — directly contradicting Joe Biden’s previous statements that his family never “made money from China.”

… According to court records obtained by Fox News, prosecutors revealed that Hunter Biden had received a sum of $664,000 from a “Chinese infrastructure investment company.” During the court proceedings, Hunter Biden confirmed to Judge Maryellen Noreika that the money came from a company he established in 2017 with the chairman of the CCP-supported CEFC Energy conglomerate, who has since disappeared.

Captain Obvious


is that Truman was right. LOTS of American and Japanese (and others) didn’t die because of it.

Truman was right, and Oppenheimer was wrong.

“I have blood on my hands,” the scientist had told the president — whereupon Truman is said to have handed Oppenheimer a handkerchief and ordered: “Here. Wipe it off.”

… So it is one of history’s ironies that Hirohito, honored by his people, died peacefully in 1989 while a moral taint still attaches to Harry Truman, the hero who ended the killing.

Election Integrity

It’s NOT law

enforcement, it’s election interference. EVERYBODY knows what is going on, here–it’s just that some people agree with the lawlessness. But just because you like it doesn’t mean it’s right!

Regular people are snookered or flat-out corrupted by this. And while like Paul/Saul (Roman citizen name vs. Jewish name, like Silas/Barnabus), they may not throw the rocks to kill Stephen, but they happily hold the cloaks of those who do.

Hopefully, some will follow the path of Paul/Saul and become converted.

Current Events Injustice

Just why on earth

would you be surprise at that? To quote Forrest Gump (a movie I totally hate), “Are you stupid or something?”

Zooming out, it appears that Hunter Biden’s team was intent on getting it on the record that by signing the plea, all investigations into Hunter Biden (and by virtue, possible future charges related to them) would be ended. Meanwhile, the DOJ seemed happy to let that happen until the judge threw up a roadblock.

… It is highly improper that the DOJ allowed things to get to this point, and I doubt very many onlookers will be giving the department the benefit of the doubt that it was all just a mistake. If the prosecutors involved, including David Weiss, were trying to give Hunter Biden global immunity via a wink and a nod while still keeping the investigation open, that’s scandalous and a clear attempt to try to manipulate the judge.