Current Events

Oh, we

might be!

Lefty Political Strategy

Yes, it

does indeed look like it.

President Joe Biden could indeed be implicated by what was found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, sources close to the first son are telling the New York Post. 

“Operation Scapegoat” is unfolding!

Evil Clown

John Zogby

totally beclowns himself.

How does a sane person CHOOSE to become a laughingstock and obvious shill? You would think he would have more self-respect than that! But no.

Leftism is a helluva drug!

Political Strategy


Is this the thin edge of the wedge?

A Democratic congressman admitted that it’s “clear” Hunter Biden broke the law during an interview on Friday.

Read that again. A DEMOCRAT Congressman said that!

This guy can’t help but to spasmodically and compulsively mention Trump over and over (he’s got to show his bona fides, after all), but the base message is clear, nonetheless.

“Let me say something that you never heard a Republican member of Congress say in the four years of the Trump administration, which is that if Hunter Biden broke the law, he should be prosecuted,” Himes said on MSNBC. “And it is clear that he broke the law with respect to taxes and possibly the ownership of a handgun. He should be held accountable for that.”

Go ahead and put lipstick on that pig. But it’s still a pig, and now he admits it. Wow!

So, are other Democrats going to follow suit? Stay tuned!

I’ve been saying for a bit now that Democrats ARE going to throw Senile Joe under the bus. He will be the “scapegoat.” The Democrats will ceremoniously lay all the “sins” of Leftism on him and the send him out into the wilderness to die.


Now we know

why President Trump was initially impeached. It was a desperate coverup!

Political philosophy

Lefties need

to pay attention. The Left has gone too far on LBGT stuff.

I gotta be honest: I don’t like the government involved in marriage at all. I suggest that EVERY person pay a tax on income (ideally a flat tax). And then who freakin’ CARES who you live with?

I think marriage is a purely religious issue: You don’t need the government’s permission to marry! If you want an ecclesiastical blessing on the union, go talk to the clergy member of your choice.

If you want your neighbor Bob to perform the marriage, then go talk to Bob. Have your Aunt Tillie perform the ceremony–see if she is willing. Have someone wearing a big salad bowl on their head. Weird, but if they will do it, then OK. I just don’t care!

But the government has nothing to do with it. Nor should it!

Now do you want a marriage in the downtown Baptist church? Well, then talk to the person who legally directs that church and controls access. Maybe it’s OK with that person, and maybe it’s not, but either way it just isn’t a government issue.

“Marry” your goldfish if you want. Or your hamster. Again, weird, but OK (though a human must consent and be a legal adult).

I really don’t care who you “marry.” But your tax bill doesn’t change. Whether you are “married” or not doesn’t make a lick of difference. You owe X% of your income in Federal taxes. Case closed.

Political philosophy Sociopathy

I think the REAL

issues is that it is purely an exercise in raw power. Please, let’s understand what is happening here: Female athletes are being forced to get naked in front of a fully intact male who also gets naked.

Isn’t that a sex crime?

Uhm, how is it not?

Current Events

See, in the past

I have been against term limits. I figured that voters could choose whomever they wanted and that term limits were an encroachment on freedom.

But now I think that I was dead wrong. The problem has become that we have developed into a gerontocracy. It has become increasingly difficult for newcomers to even challenge the “old dogs.”

In other words, the electoral playing field is simply not level, and this is shown in high relief by all the old and decrepit people in Congress. They are NOT citizens who are willing to leave their normal lives and serve a term or two, but people whose career aim is to be richly nourished off the public teat. For fame and (especially) fortune,

The result is the kind of people this attracts. Not people looking to “serve the country for a spell,” but people whose aim it is to be a rich, long-term petty celebrity. For their whole lives.

I think there are two ways to change this (and maybe only two ways).

The first way is term limits. You can serve maybe four terms in the House and two in the Senate. But that’s it. That is, combined, 30 years. And that is enough. AND, there is a mandatory retirement, let’s say, at the first election after you turn 75, regardless of how long you’ve been an elected official.

Already, some state governors get term-limited out! So this is by no means a strange new thing to impose.

The second way is to de-centralize the lawmakers. You won? Congrats. Now here is your VPN, money for an office and security, a secure cell phone, and a phone number for 24-hour tech support. Thank you for your service.

We’ll fund a trip three times a year for you and your staff to fly into DC and meet with your colleagues. But you LIVE in the district that elected you.

Suddenly, a completely different breed of people want to (and are willing to) serve. And lobbyist power is GREATLY diminished. The country is hugely hardened against a decapitation strike. And governance gets much closer to the people.

An additional measure is to move many government agencies out of DC and environs. They simply don’t need to be there, and it is a big security risk to have them there.

So you work for the Agriculture Department? Well, welcome to Iowa, my friend!

Bad Faith

Yeah, Joe’s China

lie is not looking too good right now.

One of Joe’s most infamous and specific lies was, “My son has not made money in terms of this thing about — what are you talking about — China,” which he delivered from the stage during the second presidential debate in October 2020.

… Nearly three years later, it’s clear that Welker’s nonchalance and Wallace’s deflection of Biden family corruption did not age well.


The truth is

I don’t think the COVIDians will ever ‘fess up and admit their fault. Yes, they were horribly and grotesquely wrong. And what they did was evil.

But I really don’t think they are psychologically capable of admitting fault. It is too ego-dystonic for them. It is a threat to their core narcissistic processes.

Because the authorities, bureaucrats, politicians and media who insisted on all this view themselves as good people, good people who simply don’t do awful things … you know, like wreck the health of strangers, kill their elderly parents in hospital, isolate them in their homes, ruin their business, shred their mental health and wreck the education of their children. Nice people, well-intentioned people simply don’t do evil things like that … and they are nice people, with the best intentions in the world … so they simply didn’t do any of those things. Expressing sincere regret and apologies would mean admitting that they aren’t nice people, with the best intentions in the world. So, they never will own up to the incalculable damage. They simply can’t. and still maintain their self-image as nice people. [emphasis added]