Current Events

You know

it’s all bull-crap, right? It’s a slap in the face to justice and fairness, and EVERYONE knows it! Everyone.

It’s hardly even hidden, now. Will it be overturned? OF COURSE it will. DUH! Again, not even hidden…

But the final outcome of such a process is beside the real point of this trial, which is to secure a conviction — even if temporarily — against Donald Trump before the November election.

Maybe you are an MSM victim and let your red-hot hate overwhelm your good sense and love of justice and due process. Sure, but are you sure you want to destroy justice? You can’t do it in just this one case, you know.

Sooner or later something you hold dear will be under legal attack, and then where will you go? Will you appeal to justice, fairness, and due process then?

It’s so amazingly (and characteristically) short-sighted of Democrats. It is short-sighted on a Reiderian scale! (My word–named for Harry Reid, who “nuked” the filibuster so as to jam through hard Lefty judges only to have Conservatives immediately take over and push their judges through under the new rules).

So Lefties, I know you can’t imagine the shoe being on the other foot, but it WILL happen. The tide goes out, and the tide comes back in…

So Democrats, be very careful how you treat others. Remember the golden rule: Treat others as you would have them treat you!

Because that whip in your hand will eventually leave you and be in someone else’s hand. And you really don’t want them bent on revenge. And once that “revenge cycle” starts, it is extraordinarily hard to stop!

So how do you stop this vicious retribution cycle? Rule of law, lack of “nobility” (who are exempt from the law), due process, and justice.

Because remember, the tide goes out, but it always comes back in…