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Yes, yes,

but let’s not get overconfident!

Yes, the Democrats have richly shown that they totally suck at running things. Yes, they have shown that they are an abortion death cult. Yes, Polling shows that Biden is extremely unpopular, and Kamala is worse.

BUT, remember that they cheat. They have NO loyalty to Democracy, and truly only care about power and personal aggrandizement.

Don’t believe me?

OK, as any Leftist what they would choose: A) They win, but only by destroying rule of the people. Or B) They fight a battle of ideas but still lose.

I GUARANTEE you that 90+% of Democrats choose option A.


In this rudderless party, Joe Biden insists he will run again, but even most Democrats don’t believe it. And they now must admit that Kamala Harris is a hopelessly unpopular non-starter for president. None of the candidates who failed in the 2020 primaries – from Pete Buttigieg to Elizabeth Warren to Cory Booker – are any longer considered serious presidential timber. 

Epic fail

Just who is Robert


Nice lipstick, Bob!

Captain Obvious

You gotta



Yes, now Elon

is just screwing with the soi-disant leaders…

Evil Clown Political philosophy

I agree with

one pundit who said that people need to feel pain for voting for Biden. They need to learn from their mistakes, and unfortunately this is lesson number one. It is sad, but a lot of people (and many Democrats) simply won’t learn under any schoolmaster but pain. <sigh>

But the contrast is stark: You saw how things were under a conservative leader–and now you get to see how things are under a Lefty evil buffoon.

Any questions?

Even a one-celled organism will turn away from pain. I hope you are catching on, now. Let’s cut the crap and get back to doing reasonably well…


Well yeah.

Ya think maybe?

Current Events

Too old,

not mentally fit.” YUP! Quit blowing smoke, we ALL see it!

Of course, I’m not one of those raging idiots that voted for him…


I think it has

just started.

Again, let me sound the alarm about voter fraud. Democrats will engage in voter fraud. We know that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

But still…

A nonpartisan handicapping service has the Republican Party gaining between 20 and 35 seats in the House chamber during the November midterm elections.

Current Events


block common-sense gun safety. They have the blood of children on their hands!

 Dems aren’t looking for solutions, they want wedge issues that they hope will keep them in power. Sick.

Current Events

Funny how

the comparison shakes out, eh?